View Full Version : health worrys are controling my life

07-12-07, 22:01
This is my first time on this site,What i have read so far has really helped it makes me realise i am not the only one,I had a really bad experience a few months ago and i nearly died..But thankfully i came thru ok..But since that day i have suffered really bad anxiety about my health so many different worries such as my heart which was the cause of me nearlly dying but since then its been my heart,brain tumors,blood clots,cancer sudden death syndrom the list could go on forever but the docs have told me i am fine so many times i have benn in A&E so many times,Once the tought of something being wrong with me takes me i cant let it go for days or even weeks..i constantly think i am about to die..it is really starting to ruien my life..i cant work at the moment due to this anxiety...started seeing a councler recently wich is starting to help but this site has helped also....thanks for listening...if any one can give me advice on this i would be very gratefull.......

thanks bones84

07-12-07, 22:17
hi bones and welcome to the site :D I'm sure you'll meet loads of new friends and find out lots of information to help you,

love anx x

07-12-07, 22:47

Health Anx can be controlling at its worst :( I have it too

Am slowly learning to deal with it and hope you can too :yesyes:

Claire x

07-12-07, 23:41
thanks for replying,i am just begining to understand whats going on with my anxiety and its people with the same situation who seem to be the best help,i hope yer anxiety is some what under control because i would not wish it on my worst enemy to suffer from this,but people openly talking about it is very comforting..I found it very hard just accept it never mind speaking about it with other people i was a bit embaarrased about it all..Still have not really spoke to friends about it..

thanks bones

08-12-07, 02:00
Hi Bones
Health Anxiety has brought me to my knees this year!
I dont know what i would have done without this site, it is comforting to know that there are others out there that have the same fears and symptoms!

08-12-07, 05:42

I am new too, and its comforting to know that there are people out there who know how you feel .

08-12-07, 06:16
Hi Bones - Health Anxiety can really get to you.

While I don't suffer it personally (I have GAD), self talk can really help. I bet you know that for every time you feel like running to A&E you can talk to yourself and talk yourself down, as you understand your condition is anxiety related not now medical as it has been.

Once you accept this, then it will become easier. Whenever you feel like its too much tell yourself you've been there before, coped, and are strong enough to do so again. Its a bold statement to make especially to yourself, but you can overcome this.

With time and patience you can overcome your fears - and thats just what they are, fears not reality.

We're all here for you when you need that extra push to get you back on the rails if you have a wobbly moment.
