View Full Version : rock bottom also

08-12-07, 11:23
Hi all
i feel at the end of my tether, i am suffering so many symptoms that don't tend to go away. i have been told that i am suffering from very severe anxiety although why i can't take it in i don't know even though i do try and say to myself these are just feelings. I am in a little world of my own and don,t like it. these feelings of being unreal are not very nice, i constantly feel as if i am rocking and can't seem to think straight which scares me. because of this i feel very agitated and don't know what to do with myself.

08-12-07, 12:05
hi there

i know just how you feel so sendig lots of hugs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: i have been the same for about 3 months you are not alone with this .


08-12-07, 12:08
Hi sammie, i have read your posts and can so totally relate to you. i am so scared about what is happening and this is making my anxiety worse. but i don't know what to do to make it better

08-12-07, 13:28
Me too I am afraid. You are not alone!!!

08-12-07, 13:50
Hi here, thanks for replies. I know i am not alone in this, even though i feel as if i am the only person suffering this bad every second. I just wish i could relax. I just feel as if i am sinking into oblivion. Want to have a normal conversation without touching my hair, scratching my arm and hopping from foot to foot because of these feelings. I feel so stupid and i'm not. Sheree

fork n knife
08-12-07, 15:50
I sympathize with you.I'm going through the samething at the mo.
I'm so fed up with feeling like ****.
Stay positive and i'm sure we will get through this horrid phase we are in.


08-12-07, 19:09
Sheree don't feel stupid and don't be so hard on yourself, you have anxiety and there are many of us who do very similar things to you. I used to be so ashamed of myself for being like this and didn't want to leave the house but now I just accept myself for what I am and I actually feel so much better for it. Anxiety stinks but you will get through this.
