View Full Version : Alcohol..

08-12-07, 13:48
Hi all

Just recently I have found myself struggling with anxiety even after as little as one drink. Is this normal? I even had a panic attack a few weeks ago after drinking two pints. It has put me off drinking all together. Is this normal?


08-12-07, 16:33
Hi C

Yes I find this too. I think it is because I am scared of not being in control - so I make myself worse. Also when I have had a drink - things dont look the same - which makes me more panicky/anxious. I only drink very rarely now as a result - but dont knock them back like I used to do.

I also hate the morning after too - cannot handle a hangover any more. Any sort of symptom makes me panic, ie a banging head etc.

I have a works do this week - and would really like to let my hair down and enjoy it - but am scared of the 'what its' etc.

08-12-07, 17:20

Thanks for the reply :). I think you hit the nail on the head there about the lack of control. This is why I get anxious now becuase I worry I will have another panic attack. I suppose cutting back on alcohol isnt a bad thing anyway.


08-12-07, 19:00
I used to drink quite alot but it didn't do my anxiety any good either which is a shame coz I do miss a drink sometimes. I think it is to do with not being in control and my anxiety seems to be all about that.


08-12-07, 20:10
I find that alchohol and hangovers are probably my worst enemy. When the anxiety makes me feel one pace away from the real world, alchohol makes me feel 4 paces away. I just can't keep a grip on reality when I get fog from the effects of a couple of drinks. I only drink at weekends and have decided that after xmas I will quit entirely to do my head a favour.