View Full Version : Another New Member

08-12-07, 15:29
Hi Everyone,

My name is Lucienne and I have been suffering with GAD for a couple of years now, but I believe things have been brewing inside me for a long time now which has caused this anxiety to develop. I’ve tried several different Councillors to help me with my problems but they only seem to work for a very short time before I end up going back to my old ways of thinking. I’m currently taking medication which does seem to help. The trouble is I am a type one diabetic as well and having GAD is having serious affects on my diabetes.
I came across this forum while doing a little research online and it seems like a great place to be.

I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried Hypnotherapy to overcome their problems. If so did you find it helpful?

Glad to be here.

08-12-07, 15:44
Hi Lucienne,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

08-12-07, 18:40
Hi Lucienne,

Welcome to NMP. I personally have not tried hyponotherapy but someone on the boards probably has and will give you an answer. You will find many here who feel exactly how you do and will gain much support.



08-12-07, 20:00
Hi Lucienne

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

I tried Hypnotherapy - have a read of the website page on the left for my experience of it.

08-12-07, 20:03
Hi Lucienne and welcome. I had hypnotherapy for my first bout of anxiety 20 years ago and it was very succesful, which may sound odd given that I'm suffering once again. I began to improve from the first session (I had 6 sessions). If I was not so agorophobic at present , I would be going for hypnotherapy right now. as it is, I am using c.d.'s of Glen Harold which certainly relax me. Make sure you get a qualified therapist and if he/she comes personally recommended then so much the better. Try asking your doc. for a recommendation, though in my experience they won't commit themselves, but, good ones are out there and are there to help you.

08-12-07, 20:11
Hi Lucienne

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


08-12-07, 21:12
Hello Lucienne:welcome: to you!

This is a great place for help and support , and I see you've already had some!

Pleased to meet you!


08-12-07, 21:56
Hi Lucienne and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-12-07, 22:31
Hi Lucienne

Welcome to nmp, hope this site helps you as much as it helps me:hugs:
Take care.
love Mags xxxx

09-12-07, 02:24

09-12-07, 19:00
Thank-you all for such a lovely warm welcome, I'm happy to be here. Thank-you also for you tips and advice, it's much appreciated :)