View Full Version : Heart beats

09-12-07, 14:17
Are missed beats the same as ectopic beats ?
or are the missed beats caused by the ectopic beats ?

09-12-07, 23:45
Missed beats and ectopic beats mean the follwoing. the missed beat is the pause after the ectopic beat ( the extra beat) has been. bEcause your heart puts in the ectopic or extra beat the heart pauses to reset itself and also the next beat is extra strong to pump the blood out so to us it feels like a pause then a thump in the chest. If you feel your pulse ( not advised!!) you will feel a quick beat then a pause and a strong beat.

Most people and Dr's use both terms to describe premature ventricular contractions which is the true name.

10-12-07, 13:01
Thanks countygirl.
I've just started noticing the missed beat bit and it's pretty scarry. I had to see the Occupational Health doctor for work and he said that I was getting ectopic beats but the rythm was steady, hadn't noticed them before.
Now I'm wondering if my own Doctor realises I'm getting them,I've had several ECG's at the surgury over the past couple of months and everytime I see a Doctor (last one was last Friday) they always take my pulse and blood pressure so I guess they would have also noticed them.
I've also made the mistake of googling the subject and apparently there are two type Atrial and Ventricular and the ventricular one can be very dangerous.

10-12-07, 14:35
The ventricular ectopic is only dangerous if it caused by underlying heart disease or a previous heart attack. What kills most people who have heart attacks is ventricular fibrillation whereas atrial fibrillation does not kill you as such just makes you prone to stokes.

Before anyone with ectopics has a major panic here - 99.9% of ectopic beats (prem ventricular contractions) are totally harmless. The reason Drs do the heart tests ECG etc is to be able to rule out the harmful reasons for this.

Example - someone in their 60's with lots of risk factors for heart disease like smoking and high blood pressure who suddenly notices lots of ectopics needs investigating as they may have heart disease.

Most people need the reassurance of the heart tests and then it is a case of living with it!

10-12-07, 17:06
Thanks again Countrygirl. That's reassuring.