View Full Version : muscles in back of neck really tight

09-12-07, 18:37
I have noticed today that the muscles in the back of my neck keep going really hard. Is this normal? I am starting to panic about it because as soon as it happens, my head gets really sore and I go dizzy.

It seems to be worse on one side more than the other:weep:

09-12-07, 19:08
Hi Ann

I get this too, it is muscle tension and like Lolly says try and relax.

Try a nice warm soak in the bath, that usually helps to relax me.


09-12-07, 19:27
Lolly we are not as posh as you:winks: a shower would be a luxury at our house !:D lol

I keep telling my husband i want a new shower, if it was up to him we would use a tin bucket to wash in !lol:wacko: hes a tight sod !


10-12-07, 09:53
hi i also have the same probs doc says i tension i also get headrushes with it i no exactly how awful it is i no its easy for me to say but try to relax and they will ease off tc hope you feel better soon elaine xx

10-12-07, 11:40
awwww yes i too suffer with my neck and shoulders, its def related to stress,

i bought a massager from lloyds chemist (not sure if its a chemist thats everywhere) it was only a fiver and it brill.

i also learnt aromatherapy, wish now i had took my hubbie on the course cause i could get a good massage too........lol

try stretching it can releave the symptons a little.....if in the shower (we too dont have a bath) (miss it terrribly) point the water jet on hot too the spot it helps

jingle bells


10-12-07, 12:41
Hi there..

I've been suffering with this for the last 2 weeks. Tense neck muscles, chronic headaches resulting in terrible off balance/dizzy feelings.

Of course the WORST case senarios popped into my head, but today, thank God i have got up with no headache or dizziness....phewy!

Apparently the tension in the neck stops the blood flowing so well causing head pain and dizzy feelings. My mother is also someone who has had this problem for many years.


10-12-07, 16:25
Have you tried the neck bean bags you can warm in the microwave, these are great for your neck.:flowers:

10-12-07, 18:00
Hi there.

Have you tried deep muscle relaxation excersises? There may be a post on the forum regarding them but if not then pm me and i'll tell you how to do the ones that target the head, neck and shoulder muscles! :flowers:


10-12-07, 19:41
Thanks guys for your replies - really do appreciate it.

I have tried the hot bean bag on my neck - but doesnt seem to make much difference. I have also tried deep heat.

Whenever I turn my head, my neck cracks and creaks. It is also really sore to turn my head round - it is as if it is pulling.

Lisa - I have pm'd you for the exercise. Thanks