View Full Version : Bit new to all this!! Hi!

09-12-07, 21:15

I'm Jas. I'm 25 and have been diagnosed with health problems. I was told last Christmas i had IBS but since then the sumptoms have worsened and i'm awaiting a hospital appointment for a gastroscopy (camera down throat into stomach) to check for ulcers etc.

I've been told that my problems could be to do with anxiety so i thought i would find a forum where i can type out my feelings and see if that helps.

My symptoms at the moment are nausea after eating, bloating, stomach feeling likes it's knotting up, palpatations (i hate these) head aches and dry mouth and dry throat (and sometimes the feeling like my tongue is swelling thou i think that's more pyschological).

I've been in and out of the doctors for the last 4ish months and have tested negative to everything they've tried. Over the past four months i have lost nearly 2 stone in weight and have had negative thoughts about eating thinking that i will be ill when i eat.

I've been reading some stuff online tonight about anxiety and i have to admit i am one of those people who when i can't find the cat think she's been hit by a car and isn't just hiding under the bed. I do have irrational thoughts but i'm not sure how serious these are i've always been a worry wart.

I was also hoping to get some advice on any reading materials. I think i have anxiety. At the moment i definatley have anxiety issues with food. Sometimes i get so worked up before eating (especially if i'm eating out and have no control over what i'm having) sometimes i fell so sick and i can't eat anything then i can't eat for the rest of the day/night as i feel sick and then i get weak and dizzy. If i do have anxiety i don't know what's causing it and i think that's what i want to find out so that i can try and understand and cope with it better.

I can cope with most of my symptoms just not the nausea. I have a fear of being sick (i've never been a sicky person) and feeling sick all the time is horrible. I'm on tablets to reduce acid production and i can't currently eat any dairy, spicey or fattening foods as this make me ill. If anxiety is causing my problems with my tummy i really need to get to the bottom of this. If all my test come back negative i will worry as i don't know why i'm like this and i find it hard to cope with. If i don't know what's causing it how can i stop it?

I think i'll leave it at that it might get a bit boring if go ontoo long lol

Thanks for listening and any advice or help on managing this or any reading aids or exercises to find out why i'm anxious would be really helpful,

Thanks and hope to speak to you soon x x

09-12-07, 22:06
:welcome: Hi Jas82
Just wanted to welcome you as i noticed your a new member.
Ive only been a member since april 07 and this web-site and the people on it have helped me so much. You'll come across lots of really nice people with the same, and similar health anxieties as you have.
I felt so much better when i knew i wasnt alone and that there are so many other people out there feeling the same and understand what your going through. Give the chat-room a try when you feel able to, as it will help you tons to talk about how you feel and you can have a laugh too, and that will help you take your mind off your troubles.
Hope you feel better soon....good luck

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

09-12-07, 22:48
Hello Jas:welcome: to you!

Sounds as though you're really going through it so have one of these:hugs:

The worry-cant eat-worry-cant eat circle is a horrid one. I was borderline anorexic many years ago - don't know why to this day, and never found the cause - but one day my hubby said to me 'if you don't eat - I don't eat' and that sort of shook me out of it. Now, I'm not saying that this dramatic sort of tactic would work for anyone else - as I said i was only very borderline, but I had the nausea and the throat swelling, and felt that I couldn't eat even if I wanted to.

I'm not very qualified to comment any further than my own personal experience and can only offer general support, but there are many on here who will be able to offer you the particular help and support that you need at the moment.

Glad you decided to join us - pleased to meet you!


10-12-07, 08:31
Hi Jas,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

10-12-07, 10:31
Hi Jas

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:smile:


10-12-07, 13:08

10-12-07, 15:13
Hi Jas,


We spoke last night in chat and i just wanted to say that is was lovely talking to you and i hope to see you again soon in chat!


10-12-07, 15:17

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

10-12-07, 17:38
Hey Lisa

Was nice to have a chat last night i will be back!! lol!!

10-12-07, 17:39
Hello Jas:welcome: to you!

Sounds as though you're really going through it so have one of these:hugs:

The worry-cant eat-worry-cant eat circle is a horrid one. I was borderline anorexic many years ago - don't know why to this day, and never found the cause - but one day my hubby said to me 'if you don't eat - I don't eat' and that sort of shook me out of it. Now, I'm not saying that this dramatic sort of tactic would work for anyone else - as I said i was only very borderline, but I had the nausea and the throat swelling, and felt that I couldn't eat even if I wanted to.

I'm not very qualified to comment any further than my own personal experience and can only offer general support, but there are many on here who will be able to offer you the particular help and support that you need at the moment.

Glad you decided to join us - pleased to meet you!


I seem to be not too bad if i cook myself as i know what i'm doing but if have no control over what i'm eating i'm murder!

Thanks for your post it's nice to know that i'm not the only one who has this issue.. xxxxx

10-12-07, 18:23
Hi and a big welcome

love sandy xxx

10-12-07, 21:49
Hi Jas

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

11-12-07, 18:25
Hi Jas and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I have problems with nausea and loss of appetite due to anxiety so you're definitely not on your own. When I feel like this I try to eat little and often without putting pressure on myself.

Take care,

Mike :)

Pink Princess
13-12-07, 01:36

welcome xxxxxxxxxx