View Full Version : Is G.A.D. and Panic dangerous to heart?

10-12-07, 00:37
I know they say you cant die from a Panic Attack, so i just wondered if prolonged G.A.D. and Panic attacks can be dangerous to the heart.

10-12-07, 08:42
Hi there,

not probably the best place to post this topic, you'll have all us health anxer's off on one :D
I like to think its good exercise for the heart, therefore good for us.

anx xx

10-12-07, 09:15

Well I've been having GAD and panic attacks for years on and off and they haven't done anything to my heart. I think anx is right they give your heart a good work-out.


10-12-07, 13:29
I hope this is true! you know you hear things and then you start to worry and then it all escalates out of proportion! I have had Anxiety issues probably all my life, but it's only been this year where it's got really bad.