View Full Version : Hi Everyone

21-02-05, 22:32
Hi, my name is Helena, but everyone calls me Hellie. I'm 15 years old and from Doncaster, and have suffered from a phobia of being sick since I was 12. There seemed to be no obvious trigger, but after years of therapy, the people in the know seem to think I spent far too much time visiting in hospitals as a child. Anyway, after getting over my problems a few years ago, they came back with a vengance 9 months ago, bringing with them severe panic attacks and depression. School is the main thing that has been effected, as I am too scared I will be sick to go, but it has impacted on my life in many areas.
Well, enough about me...I am amazed to see what a supportive network you have going here, I'm really hoping I can benefit from it:D

Hellie x

21-02-05, 22:37
Hiya Hellie

Good to see you posted here.

Welcome aboard.

We have Jade on here who is your age so I am sure she will reply to you too.

So pleased that you posted on here and we will help you all we can ok?

Try this website - http://www.gut-reaction.freeserve.co.uk/emetophobia.htm

Look forward to getting to know you.


21-02-05, 22:43
Hi Hellie,
Welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find everyone helpful and friendly here. I have only been a member for about a week and have received nothing but kindness and support. There are also a wide range of age ranges as far as I can tell so don't feel uncomfortable about being young.

My own problem stems very much from a phobia about being sick in public places which as result brought on panic attacks and depression (Hey, you don't one without t'other!) Looking through the stories on here however it has struck me that this thing can beaten and a number of people have gone on to lead perfectly normal lives.

Best wishes

no one ever died wishing they had spent more time at work

22-02-05, 03:06
Hi Hellie

Welcome to the site.

You'll get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-02-05, 10:18
Hi Hellie,

Welcome to the forum, you have definately come to the right place as you will receive lots of help and support.

Take care

Love Lisaxx

22-02-05, 10:45
hi welcome im sure you will find being here really helpful and the people nice

fan x

22-02-05, 21:46
wow *overwhelmed by support"

It feels so good to have people understand and be on my side for a change.

Thanks everyone

Hellie xx

22-02-05, 22:23
Hi Hellie

Angie speaking and please to meet you.

I first had panic attacks at 15 which lasted about a year and manifested in lots of different ways and were at times all consuming. The good news though is that after trying just about everything I could to deal with them they eventually dissapeared overnight. I have enjoyed 20 years without any problems at all and although suffering a little now - I know it is just temporary.

Talking is great, I hope that you find lots of support here. I am sure that you will, amazing strong people seem only to pleased to help. I'm new today and so grateful for the help I have already received.

Take care...Angie

23-02-05, 20:35
Welcome Hellie :D

Sorry to hear about your fear, but at least you are now in the company of others who understand how you feel. I'm sure you'll find lots of great help and advice here at the forum and I can promise you, everyone here is really lovely.

Best wishes
Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

25-02-05, 08:10
Hi Hellie

Welcome to the site, you'll get loads of help and support here, there are a few people here who suffer from emetophobia and will understand your problem, you are not alone !!

Take care

Elaine x

25-02-05, 09:28
Hi Hellie

Welcome to the forum. You'll find great advice and support on here.


'Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire'