View Full Version : Really scared and at the end of tether!

10-12-07, 11:50
Hi there, I need some help urgently.
I thought I was doing really well with my HA until this:
And this time I'm afraid it is a real problem.
Recently I've noticed that my fingers feel stiff and they seem to be able to flex more than normal (from the knuckes). Also last night I woke up and my hand was rested on the pillow (palm up) and noticed that the little finger's knuckle joint was not moving smoothly but in stages (if you see what I mean). I'm really scared, plus recently I noticed that both my little fingers curl inwards sideway. I don't know if they've always been like that or if I've just noticed it recently (although my little 3 year old seems to have the same shaped fingers) but it's really scaring me, I briefly looked into google and what I saw scared me so I was wondering if anyone had any idea about this?
Also my wrists make a clickey noise and hurt a bit.
I'm scared.

10-12-07, 16:18
Please don't google anymore it only scares you and makes you panic more .I'm sure you have nothing serious if your 3 year old has the same shaped fingers, it could be that you have a touch of athritis I have this and my index finger curls inwards.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-12-07, 19:29
Thank you for your answer, can I have arthritis at 31? I suppose anything is possible but could it just be the shape of my little fingers?
I have just checked old photo albums of 10 years ago, and my hands looked like they were.... exactly the same.
Instead of feeling releaved I just cried, hating myself for having wasted the whole day looking at my fingers under 1000 different angles. Plus I had to look after my 2 children, I really feel low and like I'm useless to be honest.
I was going through such a good patch and here it comes again, ruling my life.
I was doing so well. I am seriously considering seeing a Shrink or someone.
I really thought I had it under control but there you go.
Does anyone think that this time of the year is worse for us sufferers?

11-12-07, 10:26
yes you can get arthritis at your age, even children can get it. You are not useless you just have an illness thats all, and i am sure your a great mum. I think counselling would help it did me go and see your gp and get a referral. Also are you on any meds as this can help?
Look after yourself:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

11-12-07, 10:52
Okay own up. How many of you have just looked at your hands and started moving your fingers. I have and my little fingers are exactly the same. Perfectly normal don' worry. It is nor arthritis. I often sleep with my hand up on pillow as well.