View Full Version : Head vision and heart beats

10-12-07, 12:59
Hey Guys, in need of some advice please. I have been doing really well and my life seems to be getting back on track. However just had a horrid experience and still feeling shaky so this is my first port of call.

Came into work completely fine no prob. Just sitting at my desk when suddenly get feeling of heartbeat skipping and slowing down then vision goes almost tunnel like and i feel the weirdest sensation inside my head. like its tightening with pressure inside and about to pop. Lasted about 30 seconds scary as anything ive had in a very long time.

You know the script now Im thinking brain tumour heart attack and all other kinds of lovely stuff. Help xxxxx

10-12-07, 14:38
I am wondering if the heart skips gave you a panic, I know they do me! Did you feel as if you were going to faint??? Did you get real tunnel vision??
Did you take a deep breath because of the skips?? I know I only need to take one deep breath and I get the pounding head pressure and funny vision and feel as if I am going to pass out.

To put your mind at rest it maybe better to mention this to your Dr especialy if it happens again. I know when my ectopics set off with a bang I feel very strange - lgiht headed and tight chested.