View Full Version : general anxiety

22-02-05, 00:03
hi again everyone
please could u answer a question if poss,can u tell me if getting strange bodily symptoms,and then worrying about them is a normal package of anxiety, things like abnormal breathing,dizzyness and physical symptoms which i cant explain, they seem to come on spontanius when i feel quite well, is that the dreaded anxiety
regards sue:(

22-02-05, 09:34
Hi Sue,

Yes, thats how it happens. You feel dizzy, heart beats fast, head hurts or similar,......then you wonder why.........then you feel scared.........then the symptoms feel worse............then you wonder why etc etc etc.
It goes round and round and round.

Have you been checked out by the GP.

If he says there is nothing physically wrong, then it will more than likely be anxiety.

I must have gone to my GP about 15 times over a 3 month period with different things. Now Im (almost) convinced that it is anxiety.

Take care
Jude x

22-02-05, 09:56
Hi Sue

Yes, these symptoms are very common to anxiety sufferers and what's worse is they tend to evolve and change over time, so you're never quite sure whether its anxiety or whether something is really wrong!!!

Take Jude's advice and pay a visit to your GP - it may set your mind at rest that what you are experiencing is anxiety and once you know this, you can start to tackle your thoughts and feelings about what is happening to you.

If it is anxiety, and your description sounds very much as though it it is, please try not to worry too much as I think nearly everyone here has experienced what you're going through, for example this week alone I've experienced adrenaline rush, chest pains, headache and the need to go to loo even when I don't actually need to go if you know what I mean!

Best wishes
Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

22-02-05, 10:54
certainly sounds like it is mine come in all forms and when i least expect them but they soon pass

fan x