View Full Version : Nice to meet you all

The Davemeister
10-12-07, 23:40
Hi everyone,

I hope your all well and looking forward to Christmas.

My Story:
Im 23 Years old, I am blessed with many things in my life that Im truly grateful for. On the surface my life is content and fulfilling, however recently I have developed this little thing called ..... anxiety panic atacks!

Im going to be honest, throughout my teenage to recent life, anxiety, attacks or any health issue were the last thing on my mind, (those were the days!), I have what can be considered an excellent job, im currently in my last year at university for my degree and have a beautiful fiance. I just didnt ever imagine my life to become what it is.... a nghtmare!

It all started 5 months ago, when i had an unexpected attack. I was relaxing at home then all of a sudden my heart rate inceased rapidly, i experinced palpitations, shortness of breath and a thought of certain death. I can honestly say, this was the scariest thing ever to happen in my life. As a result of this I swiftly went to the A&E convinced I was having a heart attack.

After numerouse test, I came back all clear and healthy as ever, the doc did say though that i did have a panic attack. After a rather embaressing exit from A&E I havnt been able to shift this sort of attack.

I commonly get shortness of breath, anxiety feelings and on occasion have attacks. I am however learning to deal with the atacks but I just dont want them anymore! Hence why I am here.

Hopefully I will be able to share experinces and advice with you all at some point.

Kind Regards

The Davemeister (sorry for the lame name!)

11-12-07, 00:11
Hello Dave:welcome: to you!

Yep, anxiety and panic attacks have a nasty habit of jumping up and biting us in the bum sometimes!

Plenty of help and support here though - we're all in the same boat; paddling against the current sometimes, but still paddling!

Pleased to meet you - the name's fine lol !!


11-12-07, 08:38
Hi Dave,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

11-12-07, 09:15
hi dave yes anxiety and panic attacks are awful mine came on out the blue to welcome to the site we all understand and your not alone tc elaine x

11-12-07, 09:26
welcome dave,

you'll get lots of support here mate at nmp

love dawny x

11-12-07, 09:28
Hi Dave

Welcome to NMP,its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:) :)


11-12-07, 12:55
hi dave, and a big warm welcome.

love sandy xx

11-12-07, 12:57
Hi Dave

Lovely to meet you.

Take care x

11-12-07, 13:12

11-12-07, 13:16
Hi Dave
I was the last person I expected to get panic attacks and I was very unsympathetic to an ex-girlfriend who complained of getting 'funny turns' which i feel a bit guilty about now.

I would just ask, since you at University where people often try drugs etc, have you smoked pot/hash/weed at all recently? My first similar panic attack (I didn't know what it was then) many years ago followed a Saturday night of dope smoking and I had a bad time for about 6 months afterwards.
Anyway,this might not apply to you at all. I would say to anyone though - as someone who has worked in Psychology at a large mental institute and has seen many patient files in his time- to avoid dope like the plague if you want to avoid mental health problems.

The good news is that you have youth on your side and that you know what is wrong so can begin to get treatment.

11-12-07, 14:02
Hi and welcome :)


11-12-07, 20:39
Hi Dave and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

The Davemeister
11-12-07, 22:53
Thank you everyone for your very warm welcome. It makes things not seem so bad knowing that their are people out there in similiar situations.

In regards to maddman's question, I dont smoke weed or take any form of drugs although it is very common amongst my fellow uni friends.

I look forward to getting to know all of you!

The Davemeister.

11-12-07, 23:15
Hi Dave

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

12-12-07, 02:26

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

Pink Princess
13-12-07, 01:40

welcome xxxxxxxxxxxx