View Full Version : Panic symptoms out of nowhere?

11-12-07, 03:26
Hi all,

I haven't been posting in awhile because I thought I was doing well since starting a new job. However, lately I've been feeling somewhat dizzy or "off balance" and sick. Also feel a cramp type feeling in my lower stomach-- all things I used to have almost daily at the height of my anxiety. I had a bunch of blood tests and saw at least 4 doctors, including a gastrointestinal specialist; they said nothing is wrong with me, just nerves. So today I had a full on panic attack with racing heart, nausea, dizziness, and some tingling in the arms. I'm so worried, as there is nothing in particular stressing me out right now, so can this really be anxiety again? Has anyone gotten panic/anxiety symptoms for no apparent reason after a period of feeling like things were ok? Need reassurance!

Thank you!!

11-12-07, 10:49
Mate similar happened to me a few days ago. I hadn't had any palpatations or panic attacks in about 3/4 years. I learned to deal with them and learned what my body was feeling as I was about to have an attack so most of the time I can say to myself, you know what this is, It's safe and it can't hurt you and then I dont allow it to get control of me, but the other day out of nowhere my heart felt like it stopped for a couple of beats almost as if it stalled like a car. I counted my pulse and it was defiantely stalling, this time I was defiantely having a stroke or a herat attack. Anyway I'm still here although my pride a bit bruised after letting it get me again. Your fine mate, you've had tests and all fine. next time you feel it coming on get angry with it tell the attacks to F off and that you are in control of your body. One day you will get back in the drivers seat and gain control over it... I did..

11-12-07, 14:47
Hi Aurora,

Yes this happens to me, I can go for weeks feeling absolutely fine/normal, then one day out of the blue have a panick attack - heart racing, palps, weird head sensations, tinitus, etc, or a whole day where i'm not actually panicking, but anxious that i'm about to panick!

Its a bugger but just tell myself its one bad day and stay positive as i've had lots of good days!

Hope this helps you feel better xxxxxxx

11-12-07, 20:26
Thanks Everyone,

It helps a lot to know this happens to others as well. I think it's true that my symptoms may be caused by some stuff that's in the back of my mind, whether I notice it or not. Good days and bad days, I guess...:blush: