View Full Version : Bit grosse (tapeworm)

11-12-07, 12:51
Hello guys

this is a bit of a grosse worry.

Last night my cat threw up - 3am

in this sick was a HUGE white tapeworm, omg never seen anything like it i felt so sick seeing it and was on the floor trying not to faint lol. my dad cleaned it up and i went back to bed. i felt so sick and stayed up the whole night thinking that i had one too.

i've felt hungry even after big meals and will snack and i'm eating but losing weight. sooooo my conclusion is not that i'm not eating properly but i have a tapeworm inside me that i could have caught of the cat at somepoint



11-12-07, 17:36
Hi Sammi huh,

If this is what you think then have a word with your pharmasist as there is sachets that you can buy over the counter for all different types of worms. And please don't be emberassed as these peeps are profesionals and have seen and heard alot worse than worms.

Hope this helps

Love Lisa

11-12-07, 23:20
Im sure you dont have a tape worm Sammi,but like Lisa said you can get a simple treatment from the chemist.You really need to get your cat treated asap,I would get some treatment from the vets for it soon before he is really poorly.:hugs:

11-12-07, 23:33
You need to worm cats regularly as well cos it is not nice for them to get this.

I am sure you are fine though!

12-12-07, 22:22
do you know you can only get tapeworm from swallowing an infected flea
(previous worrier of all things wormy:blush: )

anx xx

12-12-07, 23:58
hehe yeah thanks anxious - i did some research - but then you would never no if u swallowed a flea lol

but i'm alot more reassured now thanks
