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View Full Version : Throat infection and penicillin VK

11-12-07, 17:17
I saw my GP yesterday, id had a feeling of my tonsils swelling and my ears full of pressure for about 3 days and I looked in the mirror and I had 4 white spots on my right tonsil. The GP took a look, temp fine, chest clear etc... he said my ears were fine but my throat looked abit red so prescribed penicillin VK, has anyone taken this? Stupid me read the side effects and scared myself silly. The allergic reaction ones scared me but I took the first one and felt fine but one of the reactions is joint pain & fever which apparently can take 2-3 days to happen so im petrified now im on it that its going to happen tomorrow or the day after. Am I being daft?

I feel really sick since starting them and my head is banging, feel worse for being on them to be honest:blush:

I was a little suprised he prescribed them as I didn't have a sore throat and still don't despite him saying its a throat infection. I can see the white spots on the right tonsil and they haven't gone as yet. I just have a slightly runny nose and croaky voice, no temp or anything. The dr i saw is the type who dishes them out like sweets:blush:

I don't know what to do, carry on taking them and stop worrying over that side effect I read about, it just scared me because it said to go to A&E if it happens. I had an allergic reaction to a drug once so i panic everytime i take new drugs and im pretty sure ive never taken Penicillin VK??? I usually have amoxicillin if im ill.

Any reasurance or kicks up the bum?:winks:

11-12-07, 17:32
Hi Cherry,

The reason your doc has given you penicillin is because white spots on the back of the tonsils is puss, which is bacterial rather than viral, bacterial throat infection(tonsilitis), only reason i know this is because i have had it several times throughout my life and like you was put on penicillin too. Like you, i am terrified of taking anything new because of possible side effects, but if you have already taken a tablet and were fine with it then i doubt very much you will come across any side effects. You'll be fine i'm sure. :smile:

Hope you feel better soon

Lisa :flowers:

11-12-07, 18:13
Thank you very much, its the joint pain side effect that worries me as it said to go to A&E but it can take a few days to occur:blush:

I have taken 5 in total, im due my next one now but really don't want to take anymore as my anxiety isn't too good:weep:

I find it strange that im on penicillin despite not being in any pain.

11-12-07, 19:17
Hi Cherry.

I'm no doctor but the way i believe it is, there are two different strains of infetion. Viral... where they would just leave it to go away on it's own, and bactirial, where the infection could become alot worse if not treated. Trust me hun, twice i have had severe tonsilitus and it was pure agony, i couldnt eat, sleep or speak come to think about it. My tonsils ended up completely white with puss and my throat was so swollen that my tonsils were almost touching. This will be why the doctor has decided to treat you with antibiotics, so that your infection doesn't become any worse. You have had quite a few of these tablets by now and i'm quite sure you will get no reaction.

Hope this makes you feel better


11-12-07, 20:20
Thanks so much Lisa, I took one at 7pm and im due the next one at 2am, lol! so cannot be bothered waking to take it. 4x a day with 6 hrly intervals is so annoying.

I will carry on taking them, i do feel more relaxed now. I just hate taking new meds.

My dh has told me my voice is croaky and i sound abit bunged up, he just looked down my throat and he said I still have white spots on my tonsil so I must carry on taking them or he will force them down me, lol!

12-12-07, 12:32
Hi Cherry,

I'm so glad you decided to carry on talking the meds and i'm sure you will be as good as new in no time at all.

Love Lisa

12-12-07, 14:13
Thanks Lisa.

12-12-07, 15:23
Hey Cherry.

I'm also a bit surprised that the Doc put you on anti-b's so soon, but it's nothing to worry about. I've had tonsillitis millions of times and sometimes, if left untreated, it can cause further problems.

There is no way of telling if it's bacterial or viral without swabbing and culturing, but personally I'd stick with the Anti B's to prevent secondary infections.

Since you've started them, you should really take the whole course. If you haven't reacted to them by now, I think it's unlikely that you will.

Get Well Soon xxx :flowers:

06-01-10, 14:33
I have tonsillitis at the moment and i got prescribed penicillin VK and i have been on them for 3-4 days now. I haven't had any side-effects but yet i am not getting any better.

06-01-10, 14:46
Hey Cherry.

I'm also a bit surprised that the Doc put you on anti-b's so soon, but it's nothing to worry about. I've had tonsillitis millions of times and sometimes, if left untreated, it can cause further problems.

There is no way of telling if it's bacterial or viral without swabbing and culturing, but personally I'd stick with the Anti B's to prevent secondary infections.

Since you've started them, you should really take the whole course. If you haven't reacted to them by now, I think it's unlikely that you will.

Get Well Soon xxx :flowers:

I wish all GP's would do a swab first to avoid taking antibiotics when they aren't necessary. I had a very bad throat with lots of white blobs on the sides last year and my GP gave me a prescription for antibiotics with the specific instructions not to take them unless the swab came bask as positive. After a few days the result was negative and although I did feel crappy and my throat still had the white blobs they did go away on their own, so it was obviously viral and the antibiotics would just have been a waste of time.

07-02-12, 22:26
Blossom here, I went to docs yesterday and I always read the pamphlets, and frighten myself to bits, as I am agoraphobic on Valium for years, also on Escitolapram anti meds for panics and depression. I went to him with an affected foot after having cut my toenails which are tough, and it bleed, and my foot started to swell, and was painffull, he gave me Penicllin v 250mgs and I have to take 2 every six hours, and have to wake at 4am to get them regular, so set the alarm, he also gave me another antibiotic to take with it calledFLUCLOXACILLIN 500mgs, I have phoned around the chemists to see if I can take the 3 together, I am scared. Had one day on the Penicillin V,My foot is infected, going to try the three tonight, hope it will not affect me, cant stand feeling sick. Please reply, if anyone has had the second antibiotic.
I am scared because my father had diabetis, and lost his leg with gangrene, so must try them. Wish me luck.