View Full Version : having a blip - reassurance needed!

11-12-07, 17:30
hi all. have been on citalopram for approx 7 weeks and have been feeling gradually so much better. however - my doctor warned me about doing too much too soon (she knows i can be my own worst enemy) and i think she was right because i have started to feel all anxious again and i suppose i am worried it will escalate and get out of control again.

the last few weeks i have had a lot of money worries (now getting sorted) which have really got me down. i am also a massive animal lover and was going to take on one of my mum's puppies (we already have 3 dogs). mum tried to put me off as this is the thing the doctor was basically warning me about - the tendency for me to pile stress on myself as soon as i start to feel well. anyway - i brought the puppy home for a trial but after a few hours realised that everyone was right so although i made the right decision in not keeping him - that was quite emotionally stressful too. because i had been feeling so better i had also started dong more work (i am self employed) so had to cut down on my exercise regime etc.

i suppose i am answering this question myself but do you guys think i have just tired myself out again and that is why i have slipped back! x

11-12-07, 17:42
Hi Joannap, I am having a blip today myself so I know how you feel. Probably I have done too much lately too and even managed an 8 mile drive and back in the car yesterday and a walk along the main street in the village where I drove to!!! Was feeling quite good. Then today I have felt rough again. This afternoon I am feeling really unreal and I came home crying with it!!
Yes, I think you have done too mch and tired yourself out. Probably I have done the same. I also know what you mean about it all escalating and getting out of control again, its something I try not to think about. What exercise did you say you do?

Love Shirley
x x x

11-12-07, 18:01
hi shirley

well i walk the dogs everyday so half an hour/40 mins brisk walking but then i try to do a 3-4 mile bike ride or yoga 3-4 times a week. i know this defeats the object but i get stressed about fitting in all the things that i feel i need to do to be relaxed! how does anyone fit in exercise, relaxation tape and deep breathing every day lol!

11-12-07, 19:42
Hi Jo,

I was wondering how you were doing as I hadn't seen you post for a while.

I think you've hit the nail on the head - you're tired. It's a natural thing to do if the anxiety has been limiting your life. As soon as you start to feel better, it's such a release that you go at it again, full on. Anxiety is always worse when you're tired. Actually, exhausted would be a better word.

How do I know? Because I do exactly the same things!!!

Keep the faith, you are getting better. Deep down you know it. All the books tell you to expect blips. That's all it is, a blip and you'll come through it.

I think about that the exhaustion that leads to anxiety like a car battery. If you flatten it and then only charge it up for a short time, it doesn't take long to flatten it again. It take a long time to fully re-charge.

Spot the engineer :-)

You're on the right path, I have no doubt.

Feel free to give me a shout if you need to vent. I find NMP a great way to get things clear in my head.

All the best.


12-12-07, 10:43
tonkaboy - that is so helpful!!!! that's exactly what it is. i was literally on the floor or ceiling! with anxiety only 8 weeks ago and then felt so better a few weeks ago that i started rushing around again because i felt i could - i obviously hadn't given myself enough time to fully charge!

thank you so much for your analogy! xx

12-12-07, 10:55
well i walk the dogs everyday so half an hour/40 mins brisk walking but then i try to do a 3-4 mile bike ride or yoga 3-4 times a week. i know this defeats the object but i get stressed about fitting in all the things that i feel i need to do to be relaxed!

Joannap, this kind of sounds like I am trying to deal with at the moment. I want to keep exercising and if I have other things going on and cant fit it in, it stresses me out! I also feel guilty if I dont do it.

I'm like you in that I try taking too much on at once and end up burning myself out again!

I think you just need to resist the temptation to do too much and allow yourself time to relax rather than be constantly rushing around :hugs:

14-12-07, 20:26
Hi Joannap, I agree with Lilith and Tonkaboy. I did too much on Monday and ended up feeling rough on Tuesday. Thats the thing isnt it. If you start feeling ok, you want to really go for it and do as much as you can. Then the next day or week, you dont feel as good again. Its finding that balance isnt it.
