View Full Version : Cant take meds!

11-12-07, 17:42
I seem to get bad reaction from meds! ive had Cipralex, and they sent me through the roof even though i have had them before and been ok with them! and now i have started Diazepam 2 mg and i'm getting a reaction from them, they have slowed me down but then they sent me into a panic with ringing in the ears and i just felt like my body was going to explode, then eventually i calmed down a bit, now i feel kind of tingly like you do when you have had a bit to drink, so i am wondering wether it's my Liver! i have a had blood tests recently for thyroid, diabetes, anemia, and cholesterol, and all came back ok, but i dont know wether Liver would show up on them.
I thought Diazepam was suppose to relax you, all it did to me was make me go in slow motion with side effects!

11-12-07, 19:25

Im sure if all your blood tests have come back ok then your liver will be fine hun:hugs: , so please try not to worry:hugs:

There are lots of people that cant take meds because of bad side effects, have you tried any of the natural remedies like rescue remedy etc?

Might be a good idea to give them ago, have a look at the remedies section on the left hand side of this page hun.

sending you lots of hugs too:hugs: :hugs:


11-12-07, 19:32
Thanks Honeybee
Yes i have thought about natural remedies, i think that could be my next step, my G.P. and the mental health worker i see can't believe that i can't get on with the meds, it's as though they think it's my imagination!
It is a very frightening time at the moment for me.
