View Full Version : Received appeal papers today!!!

11-12-07, 18:50
Hi Everyone

I have just received my appeal papers today, to do with my claim for Incapacity Benefit. I went to have a medical back in September, failed only got 9 points and needed 10 points to pass, I appealed against the decision and got the appeal papers today.

I don't know really what to do, as I can go for an oral hearing or a paper hearing, obviously paper hearing will be less traumatic. I am just so nervous about the whole thing really, it is whirling through my brain, worrying worrying, worrying.

Has anyone been through this before ?

Sorry please excuse my spelling also, because I am not very good at it.

Many Thanks


11-12-07, 20:34
Check this site out before you do anything more.

www.benefitsandwork.co.uk (http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk)

Piglet :flowers:

12-12-07, 22:41
Hi Everyone

Many Thanks for replying to my post, well I managed to get an appointment with CAB for tomorrow afternoon, thankgoodness.

Today I was looking through the paperwork I have been given and I am not too pleased, like for instance, they asked the question quote (Can he or she answer the telephone and reliably take a message, they put yes). They did ask questions if I had a mobile phone in the medical etc etc, well I only phone and text family members people who I know , and have restricted the phone to accept calls from people who I know. That is totally different , to answering the phone to strangers or anyone even if you don't know who it is., So I think the answer should be no to this one.

I answered in my IB50 I don't answer the phone, I always get other people to answer it for me, I need to know who is ringing and what they want before I will consider answering it, as I get so anxious and nervous even if it is a member who is on the phone I find it hard to strike up a conversation and I always pass the phone to someone else. If I have to take a message, i have to write down the message otherwise I will forget.

Also another question uder the Daily Living section quote(Is he or she frequently distressed at some time of the day due to fluctuation of mood?, they put no) I feel that this is wrong and should be yes. In the IB50 I stated that When someone knocks on the door I have panic attacks. Well my mood has fluctuated hasn't it, also don't you think it is a similar question that is being asked down below?

Another question under the Coping With Pressure section quote ( Does he or she frequently feel scared or panicky for no obvious reason? they put yes, I did get the points for this one, also under this section they quote (Is he or she able to cope with changes in daily routine? )they put yes . I suppose that is the correct , but they stated on my records under this section that I am quote Not upset by having to come here today? WHAT !!!! of course I was upset, nervouse totally dreading the whole thing, kept moving my hands, heart beating fast etc etc. and they kept me waiting for at least 30 minutes or so. I don't know where they get this idea from , beats me.

I have know got to choose between the oral and paper hearings, I know I should go for a oral hearing and get my point of view across. I just don't know what to do.

Nevermind sorry for the long post.


12-12-07, 23:09
Hi Shy---,
Oral hearings are always better for the appellant, it's also a good idea to have someone go along with you,I'm surprised the C.A.B didn't offer to to that.
Good preparation is essential, look at www.benefitsandwork.co.uk (http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk).
and this is one of the decision makers guidance manuals.

Write down everything that will help your case,start off just with brain dumps in other words everything that comes to mind you can tidy it up later.
Good luck

30-12-07, 19:21
Good luck with the appeal I'm sorry to hear you have to go through with one. :sad: I'm sure it will go well for you. :)

I have to fill out my IB50 form by next Friday... yes I have been putting it off over Christmas. :blush:

30-12-07, 20:16
Good luck to you with the appeal , honestly all those damn forms you have to fill out!!! i think it's just terrifying
and then they always give benefits to the wrong people, people who shouldn't get them in the first place
Sorry i can't give any advice i would be too frightened to deal with the DHSS
But all the luck in the world to you
Luv Richie xxxxxxxxxxxx

30-12-07, 21:00
Make sure someone takes you there, they will ask you how you got there, and dont go on your own.

11-02-08, 11:01
Hi Everyone

Just a little update really, well I have got my date for the appeal, to be held on the 5th March:scared10::scared10:. At the moment I am totally stressed thinking about the whole thing, originally my partners was going to go with me, but he can't now he has got a full time job and cannot get the time off work.

It doesn't help , that Cab has written to my Gp to discuss other things that can help regarding the appeal, and hasn't had a reply. I received a letter from my Gp at the weekend saying that she had a few letters about me asking for a response, and could I make an appointment(she said it is not urgent) to discuss this. (I guess it is about my appeal, but not sure).

Well she is on holiday and comes back on the 25th Feb, not long until my appeal, she has to write to cab, who then has got to write to the appeal place. I am so stressed, as it is urgent and I have not got much time left.

Sorry for the long rant, I can't really help it I am sick to my stomach with worry.


05-03-08, 01:20

Oh no the time has come today at around 2pm is my appeal, well it has been a bit of a rush trying to get all things sorted, not really happy with CAB, they only sent off my submission and gps letter on Monday evening, and I received a copy this afternoon.

Well I was double checking the information tonight and on one of the letters it states that if you have further evidence please send it to them at least 7 days before the hearing, it will geiv ethe tribunal time to consider it with your other papers (oh great, she faxed it on Monday evening). Now i am really worrying , will they take this other information into account? Who knows, I am not very impressed at the moment, it is not doing my stress levels anygood at all. :scared10::scared10::weep::weep:

Sorry for about that


05-03-08, 14:21
Good luck hope it goes well for you. :)

05-03-08, 14:41
Hey shygirlajb,

Thinking of you, hope it goes ok hun :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

05-03-08, 18:07

Many Thanks for your replies, and best wishes.

Well it has been the most stressfull day, I did get the extra point and won my appeal, thank goodness. I got asked to speak up as I was so nervous and I think I must have been talking quiet in a mumbling voice.

It was awfully the Dr was asking all sorts of questions and I didn't know the answers if I did, I would have been a physiologist or phyciatrist. How am I ment to know why I get angry easily, why don't like answering the phone etc etc.

Well thankgoodness the day is over, now I can sort of relax.

Just thought I would let you know how I got on.

