View Full Version : Hiya!

Julz P
11-12-07, 19:20
At last, people who understand and hopefully won't tell me to pull myself together!

I'm 38, and am recovering from a breakdown after ignoring the symptoms for years. I've been off work for 10 weeks now and am fortunate to have had a therapist for the last 8 of them. Hopefully I'll be well enough to go back to work in January as I'm sure they'll give up on me at this rate.

I have a need for people to like me, to help everyone around me, I don't say no incase I upset someone, am a perfectionist and have low self esteem (not the best of mixes!).

My concentration is getting a little better, but despite prozac & betablockers, I still get quite anxious. Still, there are people far worse off than me, so I am gratefull for that.

Hope to "speak" to some of you...

11-12-07, 19:33
Hi Julz,

WELCOME to NMP :hugs:

I doubt anyone on here would even consider telling you to pull yourself together as we are all in the same boat, and i can sympathise because i hated people saying that to me, i just wanted to shake them and say " what because you can't see it, you think i'm making it up" GRRRRRR lol.

Anyway i hope you enjoy the site and hope to chat to you soon.

Take care

11-12-07, 20:33
Hi Julz,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

11-12-07, 20:45
Hi Julz and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Were you describing yourself or me? It just goes to show that we aren't alone. :D

Take care,

Mike :)

11-12-07, 23:15
Hi Julz

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

11-12-07, 23:20
Hi Julz

Welcome to NMP,its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


12-12-07, 09:28
Hi Julz

Welcome to the NMP!...hope you find all the help you need.

Take Care Carmel:hugs:

12-12-07, 09:39
Hi and a big warm welcome .

love Sandy xxx

12-12-07, 11:32
Hi Julz,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

12-12-07, 13:16

12-12-07, 14:53
hi and welcome we certainly wont tell you to pull yourself together we all understand tc elaine xxx

12-12-07, 18:43
Hello Julz:welcome: to you!

'Pull yourself together' is one sentence you will never hear on this site - we're all here for the same reason.....to give and receive help and support, and I guarantee you'll get plenty of both!

Good to have you here - pleased to meet you!


12-12-07, 19:02
Hi Julz,
Welcome to NMP.
Hope you find the site helpful.
Look forward to meeting you in chat.

12-12-07, 20:59
:D Hi and welcome from one perfectionist to another.
I to have recovered from a breakdown, last September, I was the same as you ignored the signs for years, I had a high pressure job managing a large Dental Practice, always had to do that little bit extra to make people like me. But I am glad to say ( still keeping my fingers crossed though) I have just about recovered, thanks to therapy, meds and especially this site.
I recently started a new job, nowhere near as pressurised and I'm loving it.
So hang on in there you will recover, just take it slowly and you will get there.
Please feel free to PM any time

Pink Princess
13-12-07, 01:44

welcome to nmp xxxxxxxx