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View Full Version : feeling lightheaded and hard to breath also vision seems blurred

miss motown
11-12-07, 20:44
ok i had a good day went shopping and then straight to work but while i was there i came over all light headed pains across my back and stomach and just going very dizzy also my eyes are really blurry and i feel like crap i dont no wether im panicking but ive been hyperventalating and im trying to calm my breathing down ive cancelled this thread once as i didnt feel to good to type oh god this is driving me mad the tight chest and this pain across my back and soo dizzy why has this come on me out the blue i go for my health check at bupa next monday i just hope i can survive till then and lets hope they can shed some light on it good ur bad i need to no :lac:

11-12-07, 20:49
I am sorry you are feeling bad.
I had similar last night. All of a sudden I felt short of breath and lightheaded. My BP was alittle low but I am sure it was anxiety. My husband always trys to get me to do something when I start feeling that way to distract me and even though I didt want to last night I found something to do and it acutally worked.
Today went I felt off I went outside and shovelled the snow and now I am feeling alot better. See if finding something distracting to do helps?
Sometimes there is just an overflow of adrenaline that needs to be worked out.
Hope you feel better asap!

11-12-07, 21:12
Ive had all this, it just shakes you up when it comes on out of the blue, you think that you are ok! but your not.
It sounds like classic Anxiety and it really is evil when it comes like this.

12-12-07, 21:40
Yeah I got that last night as well. Doing something else to distract yourself absolutely works for me as well.
I was reading my daughter a story and I felt it coming and I really tried to get into the story and it went away in the end. I was really proud of myself.
I understand why it was more difficult for you, you didn't see it coming.
I knew I'd been anxious so I was kind of expecting it.
Take care.