View Full Version : Concerned about exercise

12-12-07, 09:27
Hi all

I'm not sure if anyone else has had problems with this, or if they can offer some advice.

I decided to start doing regular exercise a month ago because I wanted to take better care of my body, feel better about myself, and lose a few pounds before my wedding. Its really helped me feel less lethargic, I do feel better, although still have bad patches.

So at the moment I do 50 minutes of exercise (includes 30 minutes cardio), 4 times a week at least. Last night I didnt feel too well so I didnt do any exercise but I felt really guilty about it.

I met my b/f and some friends for a few drinks and cos we hadn't had any dinner, we got a takeaway afterwards (I had omlette and chips) so then I felt even more guilty.

Its not like I have takeaways all the time, but at the moment I feel if I deviate even slightly, I have failed or I'm going to pile on the weight. I feel if I dont exercise even for ONE day, my weight is going to change drastically overnight and I scold myself saying I'm lazy :mad:

I used to have anorexia but have been in recovery for the last 2 years. Its not like I am going to start restricting my eating again because I know that's not the answer. But I am worried about how hard I'm being on myself and I dont know how to be more chilled out about it.

Surely the most important thing is that I do exercise and eat healthy (on the whole) but what's wrong with a few naughty treats now and again?! If I lose a few pounds into the bargain its a bonus but it shouldnt be the be-all and end-all.

I'm sure that this is related to my need to attain perfection. I set high standards for myself and if I dont meet those standards I punish myself mentally for it.

Not sure how to tackle this one :shrug:

Any suggestions would be welcome! xxx

12-12-07, 10:55
sounds like perfectionism to me too! why not twist your thoughts around and congratulate yourself for starting a new exercise regime - one that on the whole you are sticking too. they do advise that you give yourself some days off inbetween exercise to recover so 3-4 times a week sounds fine to me.

its the same regarding food - if you generally eat well then treats are fine. i allow myself a treat everyday - packet of crips or small amount of chocolate and i also have a takeaway once a week.

just try not to get obsessive over it and you wouldn't benefit yourself by exercising when you felt ill anyway so no need to feel guilty about that! xx

12-12-07, 11:10
Thanks Joannap.

I guess I knew this would happen, I was wary of starting to exercise again because I would end up thinking I'm not doing good enough with it! If I think about it though 3-4 times a week is a healthy amount and I am normally healthy with what I eat.

Just need to cut myself a bit more slack!

Thanks hun xx