View Full Version : why do they want to see me again

12-12-07, 13:32
Hi everyone , just opened my post and I got a letter from the ENT department where i only just visited on monday.
They made me my next appointment for the 11 feb whilst i was there , but this letter tells me to go on tuesday the 18th december.

I am starting to panic , because he said he doesnt think its serious ...but part of me feels it is. We thought I have BPPV and that is why I cant walk straight anymore ......but now im not sure , he seemed concerened about me and to be honest I am getting worse, I am now told to use a walking stick and Im worried now , really worried . I have seen my gp today and he said its not right and could be a central problem of the brain , i was to afraid to ask what this means and thought , oh no its jut BPPV.

But what if its something else ., I mean im not right at all , and ive tried looking on the brighter more positive side but I just cant keep it up.

Now ive got this letter , Im too afraid to phone them , i just dont want to hear it , but im hoping its a mistake.

sorry to go on ,

the gp this morning told me the nausea and upset stomach could be related.

i cant handle this my mind is racing.

12-12-07, 13:42
Aww Poor you Mirry

I would give them a ring hun to put your mind at rest, maybe they have had a cancellation and forwarded your appointment to fill the space, with christmas coming up i bet they get lots of cancelled appointments.

Dont sit worrying you know what us anxiety people are like we always fear the worst, and the worst very very rarely happens.

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

12-12-07, 13:44
Sometimes confusions like this can happen if you're referred by more than one person or you're being dealt with by more than one health trust or something... when I had some blood tests done at a family planning clinic, and then saw my doctor about the same thing i had all sorts of appointments coming through for different times just because I'd been refered differently. This also happened to me with psychologist session!

I'm sure if it was something serious they would ask you to come back straight away, or would have mentioned it at your first appointment, with the christmas post being like it is, if your appointment was Monday, they probably sent the letter you recieved today a fair while before that!

You should ring up, just to check, if it is a mistake someone else may need your appointment :flowers:

12-12-07, 14:14
big hugs for you mirry....hope everything is ok

dawny x

12-12-07, 15:02
Hi Mirry,

Please give them a ring hun, it is dame hard looking for positive pathways when you don't no what your dealing with, ring them, then you can go from there. I am sure the computer has just made you another appointment, mistakes can be made hun.

If you can't ring them yourself, can you get someone else to do it for you?

HUGS to you hun,


Thinking of you


12-12-07, 15:04
Ive been trying to ring them but it just rings and rings :mad: .

12-12-07, 17:11
Hope you are ok Mirry,:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-12-07, 17:36
thanks , yes im ok , been a bit emotional .
Tried to phone them again at 4.20pm and a recorded voice came on saying...... sorry we are not open , our hours are 9am - 4pm ,
but the letter says 9am - 5pm :lac: .

Ive thought about it and there must be a mistake....
I got myself very scared , it doesnt help because todays been a bad day for me , my gp wants me to have further blood tests for my stomach problems ....I just feel im falling apart , BUT i did 20 mins of excersize to try and cheer me up.....feel just the same though, think im over tierd.

take care and thanks for your replys :hugs: .

12-12-07, 20:45
hi mirry

i'm sure its nothing to worry about it does sound like they've just had a cancellation my appointments are always being changed, maybe they will suggest some treatment for you like the epleys manouvers or balance excercises. good luck

13-12-07, 09:14
thanks russell , I am feeling a bit more clamer this morning but phoned them already and its a recorded message saying they are busy and to try later.

Managed to walk my daughter to school this morning unaided , which im pleased about.

take care everyone

13-12-07, 10:54
Managed to get in touch , his secretary wasnt sure why and will investigate.

She mentioned concern over my nystagmus (jumping eyes) and asked me what the specialist thought i may have . Apparently my gp has been in touch with them concerning my stomach upset problems and a possible link .
More blood test needed in a few weeks and further investigations just to rule out things.

I think they think I have M.S ...... would this show up on a auto immune blood test ?

any help much appreciated , feeling a bit low again.