View Full Version : claire weekes books

12-12-07, 20:07

Does anyone have any Claire Weekes books they would like to either sell to me or would be willing to borrow me for a couple of weeks?

Ive been looking on the net but its gonna cost me a fortune!!!

Obviously i would pay P&P if someone would be willing to borrow me a book

I know i'm cheeky but I just cant aford to buy things for myself at this time of year!!!


Lou xxx

12-12-07, 20:12
hiya. is it the book on agoraphobia you want or a different one?

13-12-07, 10:51
I've got one - not sure of the name but its got a pink flower on the front or something! I think its the nerves one.

You're welcome to have it for free hun. I didnt really connect with what the book was saying so I'd rather it go to someone than gather dust at home.

Let me know anyway hun xx

14-12-07, 20:21
Hi Lou, I recently got myself Claire Weekes book, Essential Help for the Nerves from Amazon. It was a used one but only cost £3.99 plus postage and packing. Its a great book and I can easily relate to it. Also I got a Claire Weekes DVD from E-bay. Cost about £9.00 plus postage but well worth it. Its like she is there on the television talking to you.

Claire Weekes main points are FACE (your fear/anxiety whatever) ACCEPT how you are feeling absolutely and completely (not easy I know but if you are accepting you are not fighting against it and it will stop affecting you gradually) FLOAT (ie Relax and dont fight and carry on with what you are doing whilst accepting too) and finally, LET MORE TIME PASS.

Anyway see what you think when you get to read one of her books ok.

All the best