View Full Version : constantly hungry

12-12-07, 20:39
Does anyone else feel as if they are constantly hungry

its been creeping up on me lately, even after i have a big meal i can snack on 3 packets of crisps afterwards and still be hungry. also i've been losing weight.

i've looked around and there are loads of possibilities

overactive thyroid
some weird disease

grr i can't tell parents bout it cause they'll just be all weird about it cause of my health anx

12-12-07, 21:09
Try drinking water with each meal so it fills you up.

Also the body can crave certain nutrients and if you don't get them in the meal it makes you feel hungry again.

A good healthy meal should satisfy the stomach.

14-12-07, 16:50

This was / is one of my symptoms and after a long 3 months ive accepted it is anxety which effects my blood sugar levels. basically although the docs wont recognise me as hypoglycemic i am aware that im borderline and the anxiety plays with this sometimes making me hungry all the time even after a huge meal.

It will go eventually as your body relaxes. i dont have the answer but gradually ive accepted that its anxiety not an illness and its much better although im definately not cured yet. your body takes a long time to retrain!

14-12-07, 21:12
Reckon the admin. is right, if you have a really healthy meal, you are more likely to feel satisfied. Lots of veges and whole grains, small amount of protein stuff. Also try some exercise, you won't feel so hungry then.