View Full Version : OMG Scared

12-12-07, 21:48

I went to see a gastro consultant today

My GP did some bloods 3 weeks ago re my bowel,a ESR and CRP and she said the results came back normal ,low in fact,and therefore should be reassured

The Dr today looked into the lower bowel and said he saw some inflammation and two areas that he deemed abnormal :(
He took two more blood tests and when I said I already had got bloods done by the GP he said these tests were unreliable!!!!

He also gave me antibiotics ..hmm..I had two lots of antibiotics recently and thats when these issues started!I have tummy pain,bloating and mucus,sometimes bloody along with speaced out feelings,weakness and dizziness and exhaustion

Im in a terrible state now,I feel as if Im going mad and cannot function.I ve been feeling so weak and dizzy for weeks now and its getting so much worse and unreal

Im terrified I've got cancer,I have a strong feeling I have :(

Im so so scared
Has anyone had these tests or does anyone have similar issues?

H x

12-12-07, 22:54
This may be a bit of a long shot, but anti biotics can sometimes cause you to have too much candida in your gut. Candida is what gives us yeast infections like Thrush.
Too much Candida can make you feel poorly like you described, so its worth taking a pro biotic like acidophillis after taking the anti biotics. See http://www.candidadiet.com/ for info.

As I said it, it may be a long shot. I know as an IBS sufferer myself, I tend to feel terrible when I have to have antibiotics, and put that down to too much Candida.

When will you get the second blood test results? I'm sure if there was anything to worry about the consultant would have told you at the time?

13-12-07, 16:30

Thanks for replying

Thats useful info

Petrified still,I cannot believe this is happening,I know I have bowel cancer:weep:
I cry everytime I look at my kids
H x

13-12-07, 17:59
no hunny , im sure you dont have that, its just we think the worst because of our anxiety. If its any help , I am too under going these tests again even tho they were normal - ish. They have to be sure , but inflamation can be so many things.

let us know how you get on.

13-12-07, 18:43
Hi Mirry


I'm just so scared,I ws so upset when he said he saw the areas he did especially as my bloods previously did not indicate anything at all(or so said the GP)

Hope you are ok x

13-12-07, 20:39

Sorry to hear you are feeling down at the moment, have some hugs from me hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .

Hope you get all your tests results soon then you dont have to worry. I have had every serious illeness going over the last few years in my head of course:ohmy: , we always fear the worst dont we hun, there are lots of different things that could make your lower bowel inflammed but can be made better. Try to stay positive :hugs: :hugs:

Love and hugs

14-12-07, 08:50
You don't know if it's bowl cancer until the doctor actually said it was, you have to think positive :yesyes: . A lot of things can cause abnormalities, there is a guy at work who sometimes has to be hospitalised because of his bowel problems but he doesn't have cancer. Sometimes it's just a problem. My mom has terrible problems with her stomach but she doesn't have stomach or bowl cancer it's just a problem with her system and certain foods.

Hope the tests come back ok, and you feel better soon! But I know what you mean I have to see the doc today about a lump and I am fearing the worst, just trying to stay positive :) :hugs: :hugs:


14-12-07, 09:37
hunny ,, my 2 uncles both have bowl inflamation,

one has diverticulosis (had it for 25 years)
the other has celiac disease

my friends dad has colonitis or something like that and my auntie had inflamation due to a lactose intollerance.

see , there are so many things but NO we have to cling to the highly unlikely , and i bet you dont have all the symptoms of anything nasty anyway.

Ive lost alot of weight recently which the doctors not happy with but I still am trying not to think of the bad things , its not easy is it when we have anxiety. You will be ok :hugs: .

14-12-07, 12:21

You are doing everything you can to look after your health.
Please relax now and let your Docs look after you.There are an amazing number of things it could be which can all be simply sorted out.
Please try to relax and be patient.
Best wishes,