View Full Version : Weakness in fingers.

12-12-07, 21:55
Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone had experienced this before.
I have noticed that the strength in my little finger and ring finger of both hands has decreased.
It's really scary, and also all four fingers seem to be able to bend backward more than before.
Background info: I'm a 30 year old female and I've got a 9 months old baby.
He's crawling and I find myself picking him up ALL THE TIME and he's really heavy. I'm really hoping it's something to do with that and not something sinister. (that's why I haven't googled it yet, waiting for your answers).
I'm sure it's not good news if your joints start to bend backwards though.
Help!!! :weep:

12-12-07, 22:15

i have to say its a very strange thing to notice, not because i think anythings wrong, just because i don't really understand how you have become aware of this. A lot of people are proud of how far back they can bend their fingers as it means they are double jointed or something,

anx xx

13-12-07, 09:07
Yeah I know (thanks for replying) I thought about that you always get the one child that can do funny things with their fingers and is proud of it but what I mean is that I never used to be able to do that.
And the fact that I also have weakness in those fingers worries me slightly.

13-12-07, 11:32
You prob answered the question yourself, picking up heavy baby..... that puts strain on lots of parts of your body....... try not to worry and see if it subsides.

13-12-07, 12:46
i have neuropathy of the ulnar nerve which controls the ring and littlest fingers, in my case this is linked to diabetes however since getting my glucose levels controlled it has improved.

13-12-07, 17:51
Thank you all for your replies, I read on google that it could be a trapped nerve in your elbows (people who rest on their elbows a lot, or a strain) or wrists.
They also said to have blood tests to rule out anything else like Diabetes, Thyroid etc...
I hope it's nothing like that all the same.