View Full Version : Out Of Body Experience..

12-12-07, 23:23
Hi again,

I wondered how many of you have had one of these as they are supposed to be linked directly to anxiety. I didnt know what happened one night but I awoke in bed and I started to float upwards leaving my body behind. I was scared as hell because I didnt know what was going on but then I felt completly at peace unlike I have ever felt before it was bliss. Then I sat up and everything was back to normal. Crazy eh?

Any thoughts?


12-12-07, 23:29
I used to do this all the time when I was a student

I was told to never let go though unless I felt safe and I never did

I did it most nights - used to drive me mad!

13-12-07, 05:16
hi i use to have that is was awful and realy strange i no exactly wat your talking bout tc elaine xxx

13-12-07, 23:09
hi, i dont know if i relate to this but to me it happens during the day, i feel as though 'i'm' being taken away from my body, thats only way i can really describe it. everyday i always feel like i'm floating and just cant seem to control it. isnt it just the strangest experience...
luv sam x

16-12-07, 10:57
Hi i have something similar. I can be sitting in my chair and felt as if my whole body fell backwards even though it didn't. I have also felt as if i was walking straight but my body was actually walking to the side. sheree

16-12-07, 11:50
I've had that a couple of times in my life, it used to give me hope in an afterlife but if so many of us here are getting it then it must be an anxiety thing... which is disappointing, LOL

I tend to just float around the bedroom at night, seems like I'm fully conscious and can feel things with my hands (texture of the wallpaper, etc) - it's very strange. I've never looked back and seen myself though, so I could just be sleepwalking or something I suppose.