View Full Version : Any advice..??

12-12-07, 23:34
Hi all...

I've suffered from breathlessness due to anxiety, you know the one where you can't get a proper deep breath and you're forever sighing....well, take that 10 steps further and you'll get my NEW 'thing'.

Okay, so i can be doing nothing in particular, then it feels like i am almost forcing myself to breathe. I'm becoming more aware and therefore breathing faster and harder, but its really hurting to get a deep breath and i just cannot do it. Its as if there is something stopping me mid breath, not even like the normal ole feelings, this is much worse. The hurting is like when its freezing cold outside and the cold air hits the back of your throat, nasty. This is very scary. It happened the first time about 4 weeks ago walking back from school, now i am too scared to go to the school. I hated that feeling of forcing myself to breathe and not getting enough air in. Ugh!



13-12-07, 00:16
Hi Bluebell,
I get this.
I find that forcing your breath out as far as it will go (and then some), totally emptying your lungs helps.
Also since this feeling is caused by hyperventilation breathing into a paper bag to restore co2 levels can help or hold your breathe for a while till oxygen levels go down.
Breathing is controlled by the o2/co2 balance so having too much oxygen in your system can upset the balance and create the feeling of shortness of breath.
I often find that when I get like this that vigorous exercise really helps - something like running or digging the garden really hard that causes you to breathe steadily and evenly. Also there are a number of websites that can help with overbreathing. I found one called "dearousal through hyperventilation control" but ive tried posting it on here before and it wasnt accessible in UK. Also there is the Buteyko method of breathing.
Lastly, these things get worse the more you think about it. Easier said than done but try to ignore it.It will go away.You wont stop breathing and you are getting enough oxygen - probably too much thats the problem!
Cheers xx

13-12-07, 04:31
Hi Bluebell

I've suffered with this for years and still do sometimes - hyperventilation is a classic anxiety symptom. Even though I know what it is, like skitty, its stll difficult to control sometimes.
One thing I have found that helps is something I read in a post on this forum. Put your favorite music on at home or in your car and sing along at the top of your voice!!! sounds crazy, but apparently, when you sing you have to breath correctly - I can often be seen driving down the A44 belting out Celine Dion lol.

Hope it helps.

Judi xxx

13-12-07, 19:01
I have had the same problem sporadically for the last 10 years.

The paper bag trick is one solution, but you could also try cupping your hands together around your nose and mouth and breathing in and out at a measured pace until the anxiety passes. It works the same way as the paper bag - the carbon dioxide that your breathe out is then breathed back in, and evens up the carbon dioxide levels in your bloodstream - thus ending the panic attack.

The added advantage of using your hands is that you don't look like a donkey with a nose bag - much less obtrusive.


15-12-07, 11:29

I too get this sensation, I feel as if I can't get a good lungful of air sometimes!
I have had this now for a few weeks, coinciding with some stressful times, but as Judipat, I found the answer in singing!! I went to a carol service the other evening in our local cathedral, and after pelting out some carols at the top of my voice (it was so packed in there, noone could hear my voice individually!) my chest felt really 'free' and not restricted at all, the first time in ages! SO theres the answer, sing out loud!!

A x