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View Full Version : reassurance needed plz!!!

13-12-07, 11:39

I've got a dreadful cold and this morning i was feeling so wiped out that i thought id check my pulse...why oh why did i do that??? Now i'm obsessing over the fact that my heart rate is fast, 100 resting and iv had flutters which don't usually bother me but yet again im convinced i have a heart problem.
Iv had normalblood test results and normal ecg results, never been offered a 24 hour one and to be honest dont think it would show anything anyway!

Just need reassurance, anyone else have a fairly high pulse rest rate, mines usually 80, do you think its because iv got a cold or am i stressing too much about it causing it to go higher???

Surprised i havnt convinced myself iv got meningitis yet!

Love Cassi xxx

13-12-07, 11:48
cassie when we are not well our heart rate speeds up to help fight the infection out of the body , its really normal but feels horrible.

It shows your body is fighting your corner :yesyes: .

13-12-07, 12:45
Hi cassie

i've only just recovered from that horrible cold and flu thats going around and i had the same symptoms. i was having fast hear beats and breathing and chest pains and all. Mirry is right its just your bodies way of fighting, i think if you get some medicine and rest it should all calm down. i also had a stage where i thought that it was meningitus, i bugged everybody about my smally excma rash lol. sounds silly now but i know what its like hun, just concentrate on feeling better

take care cassie