View Full Version : not sure if its true

13-12-07, 15:08
but my doctor keeps saying i will grow out of it.
i didnt always have anxiety
its only been about the last 5 years
cause things that have happened in my life
but can you really grow out of it?

also im sorry my posts are short not really sure what i should be talking about


13-12-07, 15:31
Hi, you don't say how old you are, but you may well grow out of it in time, it may be just one of those thing. If you are still feeling bad ask your doc to refer you for counselling this may help you, I know it did me.
Take care:hugs:

13-12-07, 16:46
sorry im 22
and i have been sent to a counceller and it didnt not help me either
i think in total i have seen3 different ones

13-12-07, 17:01
Hi There,

In my opinion. I do believe that you can move on from it but i think everyone is different. Myself, i have had years worth of good periods in my life where i wouldn't say i was anxiety free but i coped with it and just got on with my daily life, it always has reocurred with me and in different severity each time, but i also know people who have completely moved on from it and lead a totaly normal life now.

Hope this help


13-12-07, 20:50
Hi Miss

I suffered with Agorophobia/Panic for 12 years but i have made a good recovery, its very rare now i have panic but i still can be very anxious at times but have learnt how to not let it control me, and i lead a noraml life now.

I think i will always suffer from high anxiety,i geuss some people worry alot more than others and im one of them:ohmy: it wouldnt be normal if no -one suffered from some kind of anxiety from time to time.


13-12-07, 21:04
hello... i too am 22... i went through a pretty hard time of things 3 and a half years ago and ended up with panic attacks. unfortunatly it led onto agoraphobia through my 'amazing' ability to avoid 'everything'... lol...

i believe if i hadnt have avoided everything then i might have 'grown out of it' but i did avoid everything and i'm only just starting to get my life back on track. i saw therapists, went on anxiety courses, tried loadsa different alternative therapies but nothing worked.

at the moment though i'm seeing a cognative behavioural therapist and with the support of my fella am really getting back on track. like you, i havent always had anxiety and i was always confident and ambitious. until recently though i'd forgotten what it was like to feel 'normal'. i'd forgotten who the real 'me' was and i'm just starting to get that feeling back.

i think its an advantage that we havent always felt this way beacuse when you start to learn the tools of how to deal with it you also start to remember how much of a joy life can be. and that can be a real inspiration to carry on getting better. this is something you can get over but i think rather than waiting for yourself to 'grow out of it' you need learn the tools to overcome it. you need confidence that those tools do and will work. you just gotta have the courage to face it head on. check out the 'success stiories' section and know that you can get better. is there any chance you can see a cognative behavioural therapist rather than a councillor??? good luck

14-12-07, 01:32
Hi there,
You say your anxiety has been caused by things that have happened in your life. Once these issues are resolved in your mind or you learn to come to terms with them, then you'll be able to move on by accepting them.

You may need more than just a counsellor. A therapist will go through all these issues and help you to understand how they've created your anxiety symptoms. Ask your doctor if they think a therapist could help you.:hugs:

14-12-07, 14:31
Miss Chica,
Please do not apologise for your short posts.You are being very brave and are taking action to improve your health.Well done.
I agree with Bill.Your life will be easier if you are able to face those issues which cause you pain/distress.
Finding the right counsellor can be frustrating but it is worth persevering.With me,it was third time lucky and I have absolutely no regrets.Yes,it was painful at times but it was the right thing to do.
Good luck in facing your fears.

14-12-07, 23:41
thanks everyone
i read some of these posts and i feel silly
as if my problems arent as important as ones i have heard
is this natural?

15-12-07, 00:47
Hello MissChica,

No need to feel silly - your problems are just as important as anyone's here.

We're all here to offer support, comfort and encouragement to one another.

I agree with Chalky - it sometimes takes a lot of our personal resources to write things down and share them. You're taking very positive steps by doing this - well done:blush:

Don't stop posting ok?

Big hugs to you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


19-12-07, 16:33
Hi Miss Chica,One of my biggest barriers I'm trying to deal with (and have been for a number of years) is understanding that no matter how big or small you may think your problem seems to other people it's still big to you and that's what matters.I've found it so hard to not look at other people and look at what they've gone through and how strong they are and think why am I like this, why can't I deal with such a small thing when people deal with much bigger things. Your problems are your own and they'll always be as important to you as other people problems are to them. No matter how big or small anything is we are all dealing with the same thing on here and it doesn't matter what causes it and whether someone else's seems bigger, everyone feels the same and we'll help each other through it - we're all equal.xx