View Full Version : About time I joined a forum

13-12-07, 17:46

My name is Riccardo, I have been thinking of joining a forum for a while but never got round to it, so I have finally done it. I hope it is helpful and that I can be helpful. Please feel free to read on and respond as you please. :)

I have been suffering from anxiety for almost eight years now. My first attack was while in a lecture at universtiy. When it happened I wasn't sure what it was, I just felt an overwhelming feeling of nausia so much so that my only thought was - I had to get out of the lecture. Once I was out the feelings went, I went home and though about it but couldn't come up with a reason why it happened. The following day I had another lecture so I went to it not expecting the same thing to happen but it was must have been on my mind. Obviously the same thing did happen and I had to leave the lecture, as I left the feeling went away again. I was a bit scared now so I booked an apt with the the dr on campus.

At the dr's surgery, I even found it hard to sit in the waiting area. When I saw the dr they said they weren't sure what it was but would run blood tests. They showed nothing other than a slight variation in the liver count. The anxiety went undiagnosed for some time at least 3 months making the anxiety worse, I had trouble getting to sleep and found it difficult to be in public without feeling this nausea and anxiety. Eventually I saw a private thyroid specialist thinking it may have something to do with that but he said it sounded like anxiety attacks. This made me feel slightly better as I finally knew what it was. I tried to overcome it with the help of talking to my gp but it did not go away or even really improve, it was still with me. I tried to carry on with things as best I could but knew the anxiety was always there. I had already decided to defer my degree as i couldn't attend lectures. The following year I went back to uni and struggled through my lectures (not leaving any more early but still feeling the anxiety) and done quite well in my degree.

I don't want to go on too much so let me just say that since then I have taken numerous ad's and occasionally a benzo to help me through, but the struggle continues. Sometimes it is easier but other times it is hard!

The symptoms that go with it are also terrible, I have a constant uneasy tight feelin in my stomach/bowel area and other bowel trouble which just contributes to the anxiety. It is an uphill struggle! If anyone has any suggestion on what would help the stomach I would be grateful.

Thank you for listening, sorry to have gone on.

Rick :)

13-12-07, 18:39
Hi, welcome to the forums, I just joined yesterday and it seems like a friendly place... try the links down the left side of the page, there's plenty of helpful info here. Sounds like you need some proper therapy, not just meds.
I'm hoping lots of people get a satisfactory cure and then don't come back here (because they don't need to) to explain why there may be more sufferers here than people who have got better. At the moment I'm clinging to the hope that the mind can be re-trained and it can all be pushed into the past.

Good luck!

Granny Primark
13-12-07, 19:33
Hi and welcome.
Im sure just knowing that there are people here who feel the same as you will help you loads.
The encouragement and support that is available on this site is better than some of the advice you can get from your gp.
To be honest i really dont know if theres a cure. I just think that people learn to cope and get on with their lives better cus of the support and empathy of a site like this.

Take care

13-12-07, 20:30
Hi Rick

Welcome to NMP. its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


13-12-07, 22:14
Hi Rick and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I can really empathise with you as my anxiety also started at university. I also suffer from nausea and tried root ginger tablets for a time. When the stomach symptoms come on the best thing to do is reassure yourself with positive thoughts such as 'these are uncomfortable but harmless' and try to distract yourself.

Take care,

Mike :)

14-12-07, 05:43
hi and welcome youl find loads of info on this site and talk to ppl who realy understand wat your going threw your not alone tc elaine xxx

14-12-07, 08:57
Hi Rick,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

14-12-07, 11:21
Hi Rick,

Welcome to No More Panic.
There is plenty of advice available on the Site for you.
Well done on achieving your degree in spite of your difficulties!!!
Look forward to meeting you in Chat.

14-12-07, 11:29
Thanks to all of you for the messages. I think I will get some help here. Just knowing that people are having the same thoughts and feelings as me makes me feel more normal and not alone.

Thanks for the advice Mike regarding reassuring yourself that the stomach will pass. It is just the speed at which it does thats the prob!!

For me the anticipation of the situation is terrible, usually the situation isn't as bad as expected....but it can be. Again it is the symptoms that emphasise my anxiety. Does anyone else have a constant knot in there stomach that never goes away?

Eating before I do something that I am going to find particularly anxiety provoking makes me anxious. Often I get an extremely uncomfortable bloated feeling that doesn't go away until I have slept it off. Does anybody else get this?

Thanks again for the messages.

Take care


14-12-07, 14:34

14-12-07, 23:30
Hello Rick:welcome: to you!

Hm, got no advice on the stomach I'm afraid (but I'm sure there are others who will be able to relate) other than ginger tea and cammomile, honey and vanilla herbal tea - these helped to lessen the nausea slightly when I was really suffering with it.

You're so right - the anticipation of an event is always far worse than the actual situation. And that is where talking to people with like experiences is helpful.

So, glad you joined us and pleased to meet you!

Oh, and well done for coping thus far with it all and achieving your degree!!


15-12-07, 00:43
Hi there and a warm :welcome: aboard.

Hope we can be of some help.

There are some lovely people on here and loads of support.

Pink Princess
15-12-07, 01:22

welcome to the site xxxxxxxxx

16-12-07, 16:03

Hello and welcome to the site. Many here have felt like you do and you will find that you are not alone.



16-12-07, 18:07

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx