View Full Version : Hospital Referral!

13-12-07, 20:45
Seems after months (I know this is short term to some of you but long enough for me) of suffering the dreaded light headedness and dizzy spells i thought i'd visit the optician .......i had a turn in my right eye when i was a child which was corrected by surgery seems this may now be failing and they have referred me to an eye muscle specialist, hopefully this is now a reason for my symptons GP seems to think so ......however still dont buy it, why is it when we are suffering from HA we dont believe anything we are told it always has to be something more sinister, a potential op is sending me into a tailspin!!

Does everyone agree this is one of the worst symptons ,the fear of fainting for me in public is terrifying although it hasnt happened yet and probably won't! Appt not till 30th Jan ( not bad for the NHS) so will have to wait and see.................

14-12-07, 08:59
eye problems can cause headache and dizzyness for sure, I read somewhere just the effects on you if you had eye strain and that sounded scary enough and it was just eye strain. I had to see a couple of docs, NHS and private to convince myself I was not dying of a brain tumour or something more synister! Still we have to learn to trust the system, easier said than done.

If you do have an op then maybe you can be conforted by the fact your sysmptoms you are having at the moment will ease, so there is a good side to it.

Fingers crossed your appointment is sucessful, like you said it's not bad for the NHS very quick. Hope you feel better soon :)

14-12-07, 11:17
clarelou ,

they will give you simple tests , nothing too bad to find out whats going on.

try to write everything down how you feel.

hope it goes well :hugs: