View Full Version : So Scared!

14-12-07, 11:50
Hey Everyone,

For the past few weeks ive been getting sharp pains near my belly button and around that area. I was admitted into hospital and had to stay for two days and a night.

Im convinced i have an infection in that area - what i would like to know is, the took a blood test and said it came back clear. Does that test for infections?

I know it sounds silly because the hospital couldnt find whats wrong but i really need answers to settle my over active thoughts.

Stacey :blush:

14-12-07, 13:29
Oh, guess no one knows either.

:( Super confused and scared!

Stacey :hugs:

14-12-07, 13:47
Hi Stacey.Im sure if it was anything serious they would have picked it up.Blood test usually would have shown if your body was trying to fight an infection.
If it was anything bad they would have not released you.
Could be anxiety,tension,ibs anything.

I used to suffer badly with my tummy,still do.I used to think it was an appendicitis but it wasnt,it was anxiety :hugs:

14-12-07, 14:49
You did the right thing in going to Hospital for treatment.There are countless little bugs and viruses that can cause these symptoms.Anxiety too.
Ellen is spot on though.You would not be released if there was real cause for concern.
Beating yourself up with worry will not help.Try to be positive about this.Remind yourself that you have taken positive action in this case.
Best wishes,

14-12-07, 15:03

Sorry to hear you are in pain

A FBC would show up your white blood cell results and therefore tell a Dr if there was any infection

H x

15-12-07, 21:35
Thank you so much!

You have really reassured me, thanks again!

Stacey :hugs:

15-12-07, 21:49
Dear Broken mind,
It could be wind.
My sister was hospitalised once for a fart!:ohmy:
She was doubled up in agony for 2 days before they finally admitted her for an exploratory. When she was on the trolley in a hospital gown she suddenly felt something shift and then low and behold she passed wind dramatically!
All the poking and prodding must have shifted something.
Needless to say she was so embarrassed she just quietly got off the trolley and snuck out!

Try not to worry - wind can be very painful.

15-12-07, 21:55
hi - yes blood tests would have shown an infection. sounds like wind or a virus. i had stomach pains for 2 years - had lots of tests - NOTHING! It was all anxiety! like other members have said - the hospital aren't worried so try not to worry either. x

17-12-07, 21:07
wow its so crazy what anxiety can do!

lol its definitely not wind but your story definitely brought a smile to my face, thanks Skitty!

Two years :O:O Thats a longgg time!