View Full Version : dizzies really getting to me

14-12-07, 12:12
I know, i know a very common anxiety symptom BUT not one i've ever had before. I was hoping it was a bug but think 2 weeks of it rules that one out. I feel like i'm drunk. I havent a clue how i got back to my car from town yesterday and i drove home !- don't think i've ever felt so scared :weep: Now i don't dare drive again (ok sensible if so dizzy) BUT my worst fear is that i am now i frightened of going out by myself. I can't go down that road, i really can't. My mum became agrophobic at my age, but with my ha and ocd i really really can't take anymore.
I've an appointment with gp next week, but i just want it gone by then. I don't want to be told its another anxiety symptom. But i'm also scared it could be something more serious.
Go on someone please shoot me,

anx xx

14-12-07, 12:46
Hi Anxious,
You seem to have answered your own query!!!

Yes,this is a very common symptom of Anxiety but can you ACCEPT this.
You are being sensible in consulting your Doc.
Might you possibly have a viral infection,etc something that would explain what has been happening.
Try to relax and remember you are taking positive action to sort this out.
Take care,

14-12-07, 21:08
Two weeks doesn't rule out a bug if it's in your inner ear, that takes longer to clear up. It's still just a bug, will clear up on it's own, but it still makes you feel giddy all the time, just like you're drunk as you say. If you've had a cold or something, it can easily get into your ear and make you giddy, but it can also start in your ear without anything else.
Good thing you are seeing the doc, you will get this sorted out soon.

14-12-07, 23:07

i had this symptom for ages and on many occasions.

Scared me to death for a long while until my doc said it was the anxiety. Still took me a while then things seemed to ease up but still get it sometimes when I am feeling anxious.

Try not to worry because it does just make it worse, viscious circle!

15-12-07, 08:41
hi ive also had that awful scary symtom it took me a while for exept it was anxiety i realy thought i had something dredful and i was going die .went docs and yes guess wat another damn anxiety symtom as always .your not alone i no how you feel been ther i still have it sometimes .hope you feel better soon try not to worry i no its hard but the more we worry the worse it gets like bencooper as stated its visious circle tc elaine xxxxxxxx

15-12-07, 09:30
Vicki :hugs: you and I both know hun that the more you dwell on this the more dizzy your going to feel. I still have that chest pain that I never had before and I'm damned if I going to let it get to me I'm trying to stay positive with my thoughts about it so I'm sending you some of my positive vibes hun that you too can feel the same about this old dizziness your having :hugs: Like me I bet you've already told yourself this is it this time it's not my health anxiety this is real??? aye I'm sure you have cos thats what we do hun. Now take these positive vibes from your old wise mate and use them daily and you'll end up as sensible as me sure could it be any simpler :wacko: xxxxx

15-12-07, 11:04
thank you for your replies and positive vibes:winks: Trying hard to ignore, but still really dizzy and its 24/7. After googling :blush: i've found you can have it for this long and it still be a virus, so will have to see what happens.
But feel better about it now

anx xx