View Full Version : Stomache and Abdomen help

14-12-07, 23:03
For the last two days I have been getting some really weird symptoms. I am getting these painless muscle spasms in my stomach and abdomen which make me move when they happen. Its like tensing my muscles up when doing sit ups and it makes me move a bit like i am doing sit ups! I dont tend to notice it when I am standing, only really when I am sitting or lying down and then it seems every 30 secs.
i dont know if this is my stress/anx making me tense and therefore making it worse. I have also had a bad cough so not sure if thats had some influence?

Has anyone else had this???

15-12-07, 09:55
Can't say I have had this but it could be related to the cough might have pulled something. If it continues get it checked at the docs just to put your mind at rest.
Look after yourself:hugs: :hugs: