View Full Version : Hlaf My Head Feels Num?

14-12-07, 23:41
Ive had this syptom before and it feels like half my head is num or wet even my ear feels like it. After awhile though it goes away and might not come back for weeks which is why I think its just a panic/ anxiety syptom.

Anyone else had this problem before?

15-12-07, 08:49
hi i had funny heads mine wer like muzzy as tho it was like cotton wool weird hey and hard explain i think yours is another anxiety symtom to please try not worry but if you are have check up at docs just for reursurance and to settle your mind .i personaly think its anxiety related tc m8 elaine xxxxx

15-12-07, 09:52
Yes I agree just anxiety symptom, sometimes my face feels numb and I get shivery feelings in the top of my head:ohmy: . But I have learnt to ignore them try not to worry:hugs: :hugs:

26-06-08, 20:52
i get this all the time is such a scarey feeling, right now i feel pressure on my left side makes my face feel droopy too help i am so scared

27-06-08, 08:31
I get this when I am stressed and anx, it's a perminant thing for me at the moment because I am writing exams soon so my system is in overdrive and all sorts of wierd things are happening :P

Sometimes my tounge feels like it is not in my mouth...wierd !! try and concerntrait on other things this can usually help

Take care,

27-06-08, 14:24
I get this, really weird my forehead feels heavy and numb but it isn't numb.

The shrink nurse told me it was tense muscles in your scalp.

You cant make it realx until your stress levels die down a bit.

Try to ignore it or masage your scalp, it helps a little

03-07-08, 14:42
These symptoms are so scary!!!!!!

About an hour ago i was watching TV and then....... it was as if the back of my brain seized up the room spun for a second and i felt terrified.

The next sensation was that my jaw ached as if my teeth had been clenched tightly.
At the moment I just feel a bit "muzzy" and very very frightend.
