View Full Version : Pet Insurance (again)

15-12-07, 01:19
I do like to go on about things lol.:ohmy:

Tonight we had a scare with one of our cats - Treacle. She was having problems breathing and we had deja-vu of our other cat Walnut that has a heart condition and needs lifetime treatment and we have no idea how long she will live.

Anyway - we knew something was wrong and didn't want to leave it until the weekend so called the emergency vet and off we went (35 minute drive) to the vet on-call.

Treacle was breathing really fast and he checked her out and asked if we wanted x-rays to be sure and of course we said yes.

He did these and it could be that she has an allergy or asthma so they gave her some steroid injections and this of course involved sedation.

We got home at 10.30pm with her and she has to see vet on Monday to query asthma but the good news is that her heart is normal so not the same problem as her mother Walnut.

We were relieved.

We have sat with her all night and she is just coming round now from the sedation and drugs and seems stable.

Ok - the bill was £194!!! We are covered with insurance so hope they will pay out - we have £50 excess.

My point of this post is that Treacle costs us £5 per month insurance which is £60 a year. Tonight she has used 3 years worth of pet insurance in one visit. :huh:

So my message again is please please insure your pets or you could face unexpected costs like we did tonight

I know this is not relevant to this site but loads of you have pets so I am making you aware.

We love them but they do get ill and no-one not working can face the bills we had had recently with our cats (Walnut was over £1000)

Anyway Treacle is coming round now and we have to take her vets Monday for further tests etc.

I will shut up now lol

15-12-07, 01:20
Can I just say thanks to Jodie as well cos she knew I was worried and kept checking up on me and Treacle all night - cheers for that.

15-12-07, 01:33

I hope Treacle is ok.

I was up all night with my Whiskey on Tuesday night and I had to take him to the vets. Unfortunately he died 2 days later but he was 15 years old and had had a good life. The cost of his treatment was £230. Luckily I was able to pay for it myself but if you have a young animal I would definately recommend pet insurance. It is different when you have an old dog as it is more expensive to get insured.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

15-12-07, 01:39
Shoe - I know you lost your dog and I am so sorry for that - it is so hearbreaking isn't it?

I just wanted to get people to think about insurance on pets as it is so costly when they get ill isn't it?

Everyone says they can't afford £5 a month but as I proved tonight - that is 3 years worth off payments in one night and I am sure us pet lovers will not let them suffer when they are ill.

15-12-07, 01:44
I totally agree Nic.

I just meant that insurance is harder to get and is more expensive if you have an older pet so I would urge anyone to get their pet insured sooner rather than later.

It's a very upsetting time when your pet is ill and pet insurance would at least mean that you wouldn't have to worry about the cost.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

15-12-07, 10:39
your welcome nic

how are things today

jodie xxx

15-12-07, 13:02

Sorry to hear about Treacle, I hope she is feeling better today

Trac xx

15-12-07, 13:10

What winds me up is the difference in charging by Vets.I sent a friend to a Vet I use.She was charged £120 for a job her previous Vet said would cost £325.
Pet insurance is a must.

15-12-07, 13:37
Treacle is much better today thanks.

Her breathing has calmed down so we will see what the vet thinks on Monday (more money no doubt).

The annoying thing is that I was thinking yesterday about up'ing her cover to a more expensive one that covered longer term but now it is too late I guess as they will see this now as an on-going treatment so the maximum we can get is £1500 or a year whichever is sooner.

16-12-07, 00:03
Sorry Nic

I have only just caught up with this thread:ohmy: !

Hope Treacle is much better today:hugs: , i sooo much agree about the pet insurance i think paying £6 pounds a month is well worth it, vet fees are so expensive.

I Took Molly to the Pouch Parlour today, that cost me £30:ohmy: , i dont even pay that for my hair cutting !!!lol........I geuss im not covered on the insurance for that though:weep: lol:winks: .


16-12-07, 00:31
Hope Treacle is better soon.
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses--10.gif To you all:hugs:

17-12-07, 10:01
So very sorry to here about Treacle hun.:hugs: I'm so glad her breathing is better now and I really hope the vets find out the cause for you.

We have to take Tonto to the vets today as he has been limping over the weekend tis such a worry hey!:ohmy:

Yes you are right pet insurance is so very important! I remember Sparky cost £3000 with his chemo luckily we were insured!

I hope Treacle will be ok mate. BIG HUGS:hugs: http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h191/curion123/mygraphics200/cat/17.gif

Love & Wishes,:hugs:

Pip's X X X X

17-12-07, 22:19
I took her today - they listened to her chest and said it was ok. Her heart rate was very very fast but that was cos I stressed her getting her into the basket.

Charged me £35 and told me to take her back in a week to see how she is.

The emergency vets hadn't even sent over the x-rays!!!

What a waste of money to be honest but I needed to check her out I guess.

17-12-07, 22:23
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Nic, Alex and Walnut

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-12-07, 22:40
Ohhhh sorry Nic:hugs:

Just realised it was Treacle not Walnut!!!

Hope all is well now:hugs:

Love to you all

Kaz x x x:hugs: