View Full Version : sleep (lack of)

15-12-07, 08:05

does anyone have problems with sleep. this has become a big issue with me i find i cant get enough sleep i wake frequently during the night and always wake early . i am on 15mg zispin but my doc wont increase as it can caue insonmia ?(great eh) could i take something such as nytol aswell.


15-12-07, 09:04

I too have this problem, constantly wake during night and then wide awake by 6am everyday. My doctor gave me sleeping tablets but I really dont want to take them. The best thing is ask a chemist if you are ok to take nytol with your medication.

I have tried everything, drinking horlicks before i go to bed, going to bed earlier but they only slightly help.

It will eventually get better but my doctor has said getting sleep patterns back to normal is really hard and takes time.

take care

15-12-07, 11:06
i too have been suffering this of late, i have no prob getting to sleep, its just staying asleep....for a few weeks i was waking feeling hot and ill, but the last few nights have been a little better, just waking constantly..its annoying isnt it.... i havent been taking anything for it...i just try to calm myself and keep putting myself back to sleep...hard to do when u feel wide awake.....im lucky im not working mornings, so i try to stay up late and sleep in cause i find i can sleep better with morning light...weird eh?

ive seen rescue remedy sleep aid and want to try this....i think were anxious when we sleep..i know i am, cause i have bad dreams....the best sleep is achieved when we can free our mind of thought and try to feel at ease and comfortable...hard to do, but i think its just a matter of retraining.....i seem to go through periods of this through the year....

take care and good luck, your not alone:)

15-12-07, 11:35
upping the dose causes insonmia? just woundering if this was true i just had my dosed upped to 30mg a few weeks back

17-12-07, 10:32
hi all. i went through 2 weeks like this when starting on citalopram. it gradually passed but last week i had 3 nights where i was wide awake until 4 am in the morning. i have found that mine is linked to not allowing myself time to relax. if i stop doing stuff after 7pm and have a lazy hot bath and then watch telly or read until bedtime - i am fine but if i have a busy night - on the computer and doing lots of things - i don;t give myself time to switch off - i cannot sleep which then makes me feel more stressed and its a vicious circle. i also only drink 1-2 cups of tea a day now as i am sure caffeine has an effect on sleep too.

this week - on my new regime - i have been going to bed at 11pm and sleeping until 10am - only waking a few times and going straight back to sleep. i have also been sleeping for an hour or so in the day. they say too much sleep can be as bad as too little but i find lots of sleep really helps to leep my anxiety levels down.

17-12-07, 13:51
i happen to be the insomnia master. stil awake from yesterday and its geting on for 2pm:(

i really dont know about the meds youll have to check with the doctor. but i do know it makes me anxious and feel ill alot.

sorry i cant be more help but i havent slept:(

17-12-07, 15:37
Me too!

I am knackered by 6pm. I go to bed around 11 and i am still awake watching Make Your Play at 3am. Its frustrating and annoying. I wish i had the answers. I generally get up at 7am and so the cycle begins again :(

I've tried everything...nowt works for me at the moment.