View Full Version : feeling bad

17-12-07, 08:47
just wanted to get things of my chest, i am feeling really down this morning, my daughter has been waiting for a bus to go to work but it failed to turn up, she is a worrier and i feel awful that i could not take her, she even offered to pay me, bless her. she has been waiting ages in this freezing weather but i am feeling so lightheaded at the moment that i do not even like going out let
alone driving.
I told her i was out of petrol.
Now she is upset cause she is late for work and i am upset cause she is.
I hate feeling like this, i have always done what i can for my family and i feel i am letting them down, but i cannot get rid of these awful feelings.
I pray for a cure but i feel i will never get better and i will feel like this forever.

17-12-07, 09:12
Hi Helen

First thing is to try not to beat yourself up about this. I'm sure your daughter's employers will be ok seeing as its not her fault that the bus didnt turn up. And its not your fault you couldnt take her in the car - you're not letting anyone down.

Understandably she is going to be concerned about upsetting her employer but one day late isn't going to get her in trouble - I'm sure they would understand given the conditions outside. I get the bus to work each morning and there have been times its not turned up, I have been late, and it all turned out ok.

You cannot force yourself to do things you're not comfortable with. And to be honest. There is no benefit to be gained from trying to push yourself to do things you're not emotionally ready to do.

You will get better hun, it will just take time and effort, it may take a long time but you will get there xxxxx

Pink Panic
17-12-07, 09:12
Hi Helen :hugs:

Please don't beat yourself up and feel guilty over this as you daughter will understand. I cannot take my 10 year old to the School at the mo so she gets a taxi and I used to think what a failure I was but hey with time we will get better and be able to do all those "normal" things again.
I think we just need to take the pressure off ourselves but that's certainly not easy especially at this time of year.

You will get better hun, :hugs:

Love & Hugs

17-12-07, 15:39
Hi Helen,

Don't put pressure on yourself.You are obviously doing the best you can.
Keep that up and give yourself time to recover.
Best wishes,