View Full Version : Why does alcohol make me panic?

17-12-07, 14:12

It was my boyfriend's staff Christmas dinner last Friday and I was invited. After our meal there was music so we all had a dance. As you can imagine, alcohol was available so my boyfriend and I got slightly drunk that night.

I got in his Dad's car as we went home and after a few minutes of being in the car I remember dosing on my boyfriend. I couldn't remember anything apart from my breathing being shallow. I remember my boyfriend trying to wake me up, just to say 'I love you' and such but afterwards I remember falling asleep on him again. I couldn't wake myself up, it felt weird!

Anyway I managed to get back to his, we went to his room and all I remember is him helping me getting dressed to bed and making me some water. As I laid on his bed he gave my water and I struggled to lift my own body up, when I was given the water I spilt it on our pillow. All that time I was slightly hyperventilating. After five of so minutes of reasuring him I was ok I surrendered to the paper bag.

Alcohol has never made me feel like that before and I did not particulary drink that much. I have been feeling edgey for a while so it could be why. Though I don't know why the alcohol did that to me.

(What was even better was that 1) I wasn't scared of the panic attack, first time ever, and 2) Jamie was there, watching my breathe into a paper bag whilst stroking my head, comforting me. I do love him!!!!)

17-12-07, 14:19
This is something that's concerning me, having been off the booze for a few weeks now due to anti-biotics and then the last week of high anxiety (wondering if I was going to have to resort to anti-depressants).

Do I dare drink again? They say alchohol is a depressant, and my anxiety seems to be the symptom of depression.

Will I get to the stage where the drink stops me remembering how to deal with the anxiety?

I'm leaving it for a while until I'm more confident.. and even then it'll be a gradual re-introduction to see how it goes!

17-12-07, 14:25
If I have had a few to many,not very often!!!!!!!!!!!I usually wake up in the night with PA.:hugs:

17-12-07, 14:31
gave up drink 12 months ago, cause yes was giving me bad anxiety........
......do miss the odd tipple

going out sat night, and really dont know what to drink......it seems strange not to get drunk lol

jingle bells everyone


17-12-07, 15:03
Hi Jadey,
It seems clear that you were already on edge before you drank.Alcohol is a depressant so that could explain why things turned out like this.
It's great to hear that you have a very loving,supportive partner.
Best wishes,

26-12-07, 22:00
strange you should say a drink started a panic attack i started a drink tonight i ha small glas of bailys irish cream and i felt 1 coming on bu i was in the chat room hear at this site and a member came to my rescue

27-12-07, 19:01
Um - the alcohol would have relaxed the body (like Diazepam does) - that's why you didn't succumb to the panic? ... Maybe. Also you were so drunk you did not add any frightening thoughts to the symptoms ? .... Could be.

I suppose alcohol can cause panic attacks. If you are a bit wired up as we all are with anx and you drink and it relaxes everything then when everything starts to come back to normal you could panic? Oh blimey I really don't know.

I don't drink too much now - I am scared it will cause depression lol!!!!!!!!! I am having a few little tipples cos it's the season to be jolly and also the fact Im off meds. Mind you I only have to have half a glass of red wine topped up with loads of lemonade and ice (!!!!!) and I'm anybody's lol.

28-12-07, 03:13
Speaking generally, I think we need to be in control of of senses to keep control of our anxiety.

If we feel giddy through drink, lack of sleep or a bug etc, we're more likely to panic.

Also if we wake with a jolt, it can be a shock to the system which will make the heart race which triggers us to start feeling anxious.

To keep control of anxiety we need to keep as relaxed as possible.

As mentioned above, alcohol also makes people more depressed so if we're already feeling low it's not a good idea to start drinking Too much especially if there are a lot of meds lying around because then mistakes can happen, as it nearly did for me some time back!

31-12-07, 22:49
Hi there. It is really annoying but I find the alcohol always induces a panic attack. The next day always brings on That Feeling and I know that after a good night I will pay for it!! I've been told it's something to do with alcohol being a stimulant and activating your adrenaline. It's never stopped me having a drink but I am prepared for being edgy the next day!!

03-01-08, 12:19
Alcohol works in two ways:

Firstly it relaxes you, which is why I used alcohol as a self-medication for my panic attacks before going to sleep.

HOWEVER, after the relaxing phase is over it causes stress levels to sharply rise to levels higher than before you drank anything which can cause panic attacks easily. Mixed with the effects of possible drunkenness, it can sometimes provoke quite the episode.

I've now gotten off the alcohol as it's only a temporary fix and my Propranolol can do the same job relaxing me.

03-01-08, 14:30
Thanks for the messages

I've noticed that when ever the hyperventilation starts to kick in I had just had some Baileys. I don't know whether it's because it's a different type of alcohol because I never drink whiskey in any other drink, just rum in alcho pops and vodka in a milkshake or coke.

What I like about it know is that yeah, I'm about to have an attack but I don't have the fear of a panic attack. I kind of regret that panic attack though because I might not have been frightened but my boyfriend was! I've apologised to him many times ever since.