View Full Version : Work Xmas Party

17-12-07, 15:46
Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted on here so thought I would come and say 'hi' and also to get some advice.

I have not drunk alcohol for 4 months now due to having a bad panic/anxiety attack in August. I take Simvastatin 20mg for cholestorol which is now under control (down from 6.2 to 3.9) and Citalopram 20mg for my anxiety (luckily not had an attack for 3 months now)

I don't really miss alcohol although I have my work Xmas do on Wednesday and it would be nice to have a couple of beers and few glasses of wine to be sociable. NHS direct were less than helpful with advice although to be fair they were probably only telling me what they could which was 'moderation'

Basically I would like to know if anyone has any experiences of haven a 'few' drinks whilst on Citalopram and Simvastatin. Last thing I want is to feel anxious and horrid that evening or next morning.

This will be my first bit of alcohol for 4 months remember bar the odd shandy!

Look forward to hearing from you.


17-12-07, 16:13
hi mat,

snap...going out saturday and havent drunk for 12months, and dont really know what to drink if at all.

it would be nice to let my hair down but dont want the after effects of panic/anxiety.

so i will probably steer clear of the alcohol, and laugh at everyone else when they are drunk......and they can have the hangover next day.

its hard especially if you enjoy a drink every now and then, but personally i dont think its worth the risk, only my opinion though mat, have a good night out.

love dawny

17-12-07, 18:39

Thanks for the reply. I also forgot to mention my BP is still a bit high 152/98 so although it is not dangerous it seems some anxiety is still there!

I think I will stick to shandies and soft drinks plus, if they have any, non alco lager. As you say, clear head in evening and clear head next morning and try and enjoy the night watching others get drunk!
