View Full Version : Need a little support...

17-12-07, 18:53
Hey friends of NoMorePanic. I am a long time reader, infrequent poster... but I could really use some support today... and it is for a stupid reason.

I have always been worried about big things... (cancer, HIV, dying, etc.) however little things tend to set me off into full-blown panic mode relating to the big things... for example... I am worried to death right now because my mom, step-father, and wife have a cold. I am convinced I am going to catch this cold and because I have a weakened immune system (a worry of mine), it is going to turn into pneumonia or something worse and I will not survive. I cannot accept the fact that people get colds... I am always convinced that the only reason someone gets a cold is there is something else wrong with them. I know this is crazy... but as I have said before... my heart believes that I am fine... my head cannot.

So, I am sitting here at work with a minor headache (and NO OTHER SYMPTOMS) making myself sick to death with worry. I could just really use a message of reassurance that I am not the only one who goes through this kind of delimma.

Well... thanks so much for your care and concern. Happy Holidays to all.

17-12-07, 19:07
Hi Adam,

You have a hug from me because I know just how it feels when we get a blip with this old health anxiety :hugs: You are not alone with your thoughts and I'm sending you some positive vibes to get through this wee blip your having :hugs: xxx

17-12-07, 20:11
Hi Adam,

I know the feeling hun, being a fellow Health anx sufferer.
I had a scare and today went to docs and am fine - but I was convinced it was something else!

I am sure you will be ok (although at the moment I know you wont believe me :hugs:)

Take Care

Claire xxxx

17-12-07, 20:45
Hi Adam,

I too feel the same I in fact had a cold last week and survived!! You can too nothing will stop us, no matter what our thoughts say, after all they are only thoughts.

I too struggle with the thought of illness's but have a cold and coming through it can only make you stronger........

Take Care x