View Full Version : and out of the shadows came...

17-12-07, 20:57
me, hello one and all.
my name is Anthony and I've suffered from panic attacks on and off since I was 17. I'm now 23 and I actually had a mini attack this afternoon at work. I wiki'd panic attacks and it led me here. I've always talked to people (and my new girlfriend of 2 days) about it but I thought that maybe an idea would be to talk to folks like you who have the same issue as me.

my fear thoughts that trigger attacks are mainly health related. I'll have a twinge or see a blotch on my skin and it freaks me out and off I go. I have verying sized attacks from little ones where I struggle to breath to the huge ones where I properly hyperventilate and get pins and needles in my arms, chest and face.

I've gone for long periods without them but they recently started again sadly. I don't enjoy my job much and am off in 2008 when I get a chance and my last relationship saw me walked on badly till I got the courage and walked. over the years I've learnt to recognise the signs. also being a Christian I've been blessed with people praying for me and looking out for me.

today was a bad day for some reason, mainly because I was over tired I think and it meant my head was a bit cluttered.

I'm happy to be here folks, lets enjoy the ride and by the grace of the good Lord one day I'll be well rock on folks Anthony

17-12-07, 22:07
Hi Anthony

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some great people on here and get loads of support and advice.

17-12-07, 23:36
Hi Anthony:D

We met in chat:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-12-07, 23:42
Hi Anthony,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

18-12-07, 00:15

Welcome to NMP.

You will find loads of support and advice here.
Look forward to meeting you in the Chat room.
Best wishes,

18-12-07, 14:19

Hello and welcome to the site. Many here have felt like you do and you will find that you are not alone.



19-12-07, 15:57

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

20-12-07, 00:14
Hello Anthony :welcome: to you!

Let's hope 2008 heralds a new start for you eh? , with work and your new relationship :hugs: .

My GP is a Christian, and has been a tower of strength to me.

Plenty of help and support here - pleased to meet you!


20-12-07, 13:04

20-12-07, 16:18
Hi Anthony and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sure today is just a blip and you'll have better days soon.

Take care,

Mike :)

20-12-07, 17:09
thanks one and all, it's good to be here. I went to the doctors yesterday having wrangled an earlier appointment and I've been put on 20mg of paroxetine initially to see how it goes.
took the first tablet this morning and I was shattered by about 9am this morning but I'm at work giving it a go. I have a problem but it will not beat me if I put up a fight. onwards and upwards eh folks

21-12-07, 00:44
Hi Anthony,

I suffered from the same hypochondria. The advice here will really give you a great foundation for dealing with your panic. I know you'll find the comfort you're looking for. Welcome!

Warm Regards,

21-12-07, 08:34
Hi every 1, new to all this, just came off anti-depressin tablets, suffer terrible with panic and anxiety, I have three sons and want to get better for them. so glad I found this site just knowing that I am not the only person who feels this way makes me feel normal agin
Thanks for listeningXXXXXXXX:blush:

Pink Princess
22-12-07, 09:53

take good kare xxxxx