View Full Version : Lumpy tongue

17-12-07, 21:01
I had a throat infection last week, taking last anti b tonight (yipeeee) and its cleared up, only have 1 tiny white spot on tonsil now but ive become obsessed almost with checking my tonsil that tonight I noticed the back of my tounge has lots of small bumps on it and if i stick it right out then right at the very back of my tongue i have 2 pea sized lumps (they are dead centre, the dangly down thing in the throat is directly above them, lol) Are these normal? I tried looking in my hubbies mouth but hsi tongue is sooooooo wierd, it has a hump im sure, you can't see the back of his throat for this huge hump, :sign20:

17-12-07, 21:08
Having just looked at the back of my tongue for the first time in ages, yes I can see two kind of lumpy bits on both sides too. Mine are more like squashed peas :ohmy:

17-12-07, 21:15
Yes pea sized but slightly squished, haha!

Are they dead centre and right at the back? do you have alsorts of lumps at the back of your throat? I have loads of litle ones then these 2 bigger ones, never looked down there before, lol!

Thanks so much:-)

18-12-07, 10:22
Yes I do have a lot of lumpy bits at the very back of my tongue, kinda looks like the surface of the moon :ohmy:

As far as I know it's always been like that too.

18-12-07, 10:55
HI Cherry3 and Alabasterlyn, i wonder how many of us members are now sitting here with mirrors trying to see to the back of our tongues getting funny looks off workmates, friends or complete strangers. I have spent a good ten minutes having a look ( my tongue seems to have a life of its own i couldn't get the bugger to stay still long enough to have a good luck and i have just discovered a new party trick, i can flip my tongue all the way over so that the top is in the bottom of my mouth, have got hubbie and kids to have a go and they can't so must be pretty dificuly) I too have got 2 pea size lumps right at the back underneath my dangly bit and you are right alabasterlyn the rest looks like little craters on the moon, never noticed that before!. Thats 3 of us so it must be pretty normal.

Take care.

Jacq x:tongue:

18-12-07, 11:11
make that 4 of us :winks:

anx xx

18-12-07, 21:15
Thry're called papillae and contain your taste buds - I had a panic about these some months back until I found out what they were!

19-12-07, 09:19
hi yes i got bumps on my tongue and have also been looking in the mirror at them its normal like giddy as said ther taste buds .tc elaine xx

27-12-07, 14:01
Thanks all of you, I feel fine now about it.