View Full Version : really worried about doc appointment

18-12-07, 15:48
Hi everyone!

Well I have made a decision that I am going to try and book an appointment to see my doctor. Unfortunatly my doctors surgery has a silly system where if you want an appointment you have to ring the morning you want the appointment and pray they have appointments left :wacko:
I find that there seems to be a nice receptionist that always manages to fit me in even if it means an end of surgery appointment, but there is another receptionist who is not so nice and they always seem to be fully booked when I ring up and its her :mad:

I'm hoping I get the nice receptionist when I ring tomorrow!

Anyway enough rambling! The reason I am booking the appointment is I have a few problems I need checking out.
And also one big decision I have made that I want to talk through with my doctor and that is possibly going on medication for my anxiety.
I'm still not 100% sure about it as I do worry about side effects but I will be able to talk that through with the doctor.

I am just sitting here getting myself in a state just thinking of going tomorrow and I don't even know if I will get an appointment yet! :wacko:

I just wondered what other peoples advice on here would be about the idea of going on medication.
The reason I never wanted to go on medication before now is 1 I wanted to be able to deal with my anxiety myself without the help of meds or having to rely on meds and 2 i was worried about the side effects :shrug:

Now I am seriously considering going on medication because I am not coping with my anxiety well and I feel I need some kind of help to help me get out and about again. I know if i felt a little better then I'd be able to go out places easier rather than staying indoors like a hermit :weep:

Any advice on the possible upcoming appointment tomorrow would be appreciated.
What do I say to the doctor? What medication would be best?
Also anyone elses experiences would be good to hear.

Thanks in advance, I'm in a right state at the mo! :wacko:
Laura xxxxx

18-12-07, 20:05

Feel for ya, I have been there I am new to this whole Anxiety thing and I have been into my docs so many times since September with every ailnent under the sun thinking its something serious! Everytime I come with the answer 'classic anxiety sympton'.

I too was like you didn't want to resort to medication I thought and still think I am stronger than that.....tried counselling, and a bit of willpower but I was spiralling out of control and resorted to medication I am on Citalopram doc said 20mg but I take 10mg daily my mood has improved but my Anxiety symptons are still there but are less frequent and easier to deal with.

Go to your doc with an open mind and be honest tell him exactly how you feel, he will offer the best solution for you whether that be therapy or medication, please trust them i have had to learn to.

Take care hope you get on ok...


18-12-07, 20:09
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Lozzie you will be fine hun, just remember the anticipatory anxiety is more often than not worse than the actual event.

Be honest with your doctor as to how you are feeling, if you are scared of meds explain all this but also that you dont feel that you can carry on as you are.

If you need a chat beforehand or afterwards my dear give me a shout either on here or msn

Will be thinking of you, and try and think of this as your first step on the road to recovery my dear.

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-12-07, 23:13
Clarelou - Thank you for the reply :hugs: I feel if the anxiety was easier to deal with and I had that little help from medication then maybe id find it easier getting back out and about again, I just need that little bit of help i think.
Thanks for the advice and welcome to NMP :) :hugs:

Mystics - Thank you for the reply hun :hugs:
I know your right and the build up to it is much worse than the actual appointment but even knowing this it still gets me in a state :wacko:
I will be honest with the doc, I just hope I manage to get an appointment!

I am full of anxiety tonight :mad: sitting here going through all the what ifs its driving me mad!!! :wacko:

I shall post tomorrow once I have rung doctors and see if I can get an appointment!
fingers crossed!

Laura xxxxx

19-12-07, 01:16
Hi Lozzie!
Funny that you should post what yopu did - as I am in the same position - worrying about seeing my doctor. Only for a different reason - I want to ask him if I can get any CBT through him. Also like you, I wanted to try and manage my anxiety and panics without medication but, to be honest, I was finding it too hard. It was too much of a battle every minute of every day - so I have gone back to taking 2.5mg Olanzapine - which maybe your doctor might prescribe you if he thinks its right, as it has almost no side effect (bit of tiredness).

Anyhow, here's wishing you well - and as has already been said, the reality of things like going to the doctor are never as bad as our anxiety about it all! :blush: