View Full Version : HELP! does anyone over think as much as i do?!

18-12-07, 17:58
hi all - by overthinking i do not mean intrusive thoughts but rather thoughts about everyday things that spiral into other thoughts and cause anxiety such as why are we here, why is the world like it is - or like when i was in the supermarket this morning - a thought like - i should really try and buy more organic/fairtrade produce leading onto other thoughts such as i am a terrible person for not buying more organic/fairtrade stuff.

my mum says my anxiety is caused by over thinking - that i take thoughts to extremes whereas most people have one thought and then sort of dismiss it but mine run away with themselves.

i also question virtually everything i think or feel whether its about myself or other people - like "why did i think/say/feel that" and this then leads on to other thoughts. its almost like i don;t know what or how to think "normally".

does anyone else on here understand where i am coming from?!:ohmy:

18-12-07, 20:15
I know exactly where your cming from!! I overthink all the time! I feel bad for things i say and do i worry wht people thought about it. I also plan what i wll say about something then i imagine there (negative) reaction and end up having arguements in my head!! I sometimes stop what I am doing to think some more about my thoughts whch get carried away with each other. As with all my anxiety symptoms though, right now I am just tryig to accept thats what I do and not worry. Hope you can do the same xxx

20-12-07, 06:08
Yep, I over think EVERYTHING! I am not agoraphobic by any means, but I don't like to hang out w/ a bunch of people...and if/when I do I always walk away feeling like I have said the most stupidest things.

I always say if I could turn my mind off for 10mins it would be heaven! It's part of the anxiety..it's what we do.