View Full Version : instant panic on waking.

23-02-05, 11:19
Hi all. I'm new today. Just wondered if anyone else has that dreadfull feeling of impending doom when they first wake. As soon as I open my eyes, my stomach starts to churn and I feel as if I've just been told some dreadful news or something dreadful is about to happen. It's almost as if I go in to shock at simply waking up to face the day! REALLY horrible and scarey

23-02-05, 11:27

This is fairly common and is often caused by your thoughts as you start to come out of sleep - almost subconciously- things that may or may not happen during the day.. fears, concerns, anticipatory anxiety etc

It helps to eat something as soon as possible - a banana is a good one if you can't face breakfast.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

23-02-05, 12:10
Hi there

I used to get exactly the same thing on waking at the height of my anxiety, but I promise you it does get better in time

Take care

Elaine x

23-02-05, 12:53
Hiya Heebyjeebies,

Oh yes!!! Its horrid. I wake like this every morning. It last until I have taken the girls to school. I bought some bananas, with the hope of eating one before I do anything else. I havent tried it yet cos Im in such a state when I get up that I forget they are there!
Il have to stick a note on the kettle at night to remind me....I always put the kettle on as soon as I get up.

By the way, what can we call you?.....Heebyjeebies is hard to type:D

Take care
Jude x

23-02-05, 14:15
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find it really helpful and the people nice

fan x

23-02-05, 15:45
Thanks for advice so far. I find that Propananol Beta Blockers help to ease it a bit but not completely. Will try the banana thing. It tends to go when I get up but when I wake at 5am and have 2 hours to kill until the family are up and about - that's hard.
I've been fine for 18 months, then 4 weeks ago the whole family came down with a sickness bug. I just got over that and came down with Flu, which I'm only just shaking off after 16 days!! I'm sure it's just the worry about feeling SO physically porly over the last few weeks that has caused this anxiety. I'm hoping it will go as quickly as it came. Call me Heeby...it's a bit easier to type.

23-02-05, 15:49
Hi Heeby
I'm terrible when i wake up in the mornings. I lay there thinking *now how do i feel today" and within a couple of minutes of thinking about things all the symptoms are there grrrrr. I tend to feel better as the day goes on but can understand what you mean. I'm sure you'll find plenty of help on here, everyone is so friendly.
Take care

23-02-05, 16:08
Im okay in the morning but i do wake up and ask myself if i feel okay and if i have any pains.

Its night time that sends me off especally when im really tired i start to get shaky i suppose it all depends how my 3 month old baby sleeps at night lol.

23-02-05, 16:45
Hi Heeby, i'm new too.

Thankfully I wake up positive in the morning, I do sometimes wake about 4-6am with a racing heart fir no reason but have learnt to control that quickly and get back off to sleep.

Taylor - poor you, with a three month old baby the last thing you need to worrying about is panic:( Is yours related to PND or did you have the panics before?


23-02-05, 17:05
......thinking *now how do i feel today"

Energy follows thought.

23-02-05, 17:26
angieb Posted - 23 February 2005 : 16:45:29
Hi Heeby, i'm new too.

Thankfully I wake up positive in the morning, I do sometimes wake about 4-6am with a racing heart fir no reason but have learnt to control that quickly and get back off to sleep.

Taylor - poor you, with a three month old baby the last thing you need to worrying about is panic Is yours related to PND or did you have the panics before?


No i have always suffered with panic attacks since i was 13 just giving birth didnt help made me worse for a while but im doing better now.

23-02-05, 17:33
Taylor - I am glad to hear you are on the up.

Enjoy that baby time, it is sooo precious. Mine are thirteen and five, all homones and atitude and thats just the little one ;)

Just managed to breathe my way through and fend off a panic attack - tired but very happy:)

23-02-05, 17:44
I know the feeling with the hormones i have one of 9 and 1 of five and the one of 9 is a real moan always taking tempers and slamming doors. Worst of it all they are both girls lol although the wee one is a boy so im hopping hes better.

I hope u will be okay through the night and try and rember nothing will happen.

23-02-05, 18:30

Welcome to the forum. You'll get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-02-05, 18:57

Love the name. Welcome to the forum and hope we can be of some help.


23-02-05, 19:57

I find the mornings, especially when first waking up, the worst part of the day when trying to deal with anxiety. It's the transition from sleep, sort of adjusting, that I find the most stressful. Once I'm up & about I can usually deal with the anxiety feelings in various ways, giving myself "a good talking to" being one of them!

Linda. x

23-02-05, 20:38
Thanks everyone;) You're all being SO friendly and welcoming...I feel really at home already! Thank you all SOOOO much x

23-02-05, 21:28
Hiya Heeby

Welcome to the forum :D Sorry to hear about your early morning anxiety, I suffered from that for ages after my final exams at uni had finished and kept waking up with the same feeling I had on my exam days!!! Hope once you've shaken off your bug these horrible feeling will subside.

Best wishes

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

23-02-05, 21:29
Thanks everyone. You're all making me feel really welcome. Thanks SOOOO much! Been so helpful already. I can see this is going to be good for me:)

23-02-05, 22:21
Oh my god! The mornings are the worst. I go to bed dreading waking up in the middle of the night and in the morning with my heart racing and the nasea and shaking. That really sucks. You would think that your body would at least cut you some slack and let you wake up feeling good. Its a cruel trick that your body plays. I definatley feel for you


You stand in your own light. Make it shine...

25-02-05, 14:56
Hi Heeby, I can totally identify with this as I always wake up feeling terrible anxiety but it does get better. I find that I feel alot better after having breakfast, having a shower and getting dressed. I find that getting the kids up and dressed and ready for school creates the most anxiety for me as they can be a real pain to get ready in the morning and my youngst child only started school in september and I have had a real bad time with getting him settled. But things are getting better every day and the anxiety will decrease in time I promise.

Hope you feel better soon and believe me there is light at the end the end of tunnel.

Take care
Love Lisaxx

25-02-05, 15:34
I don't know if you do already, but I find that putting the radio on always helps. It is a distraction. I have them on all over the house, there is nothing worse than a silent house if your feeling rubbish.

Don't stay in bed when you wake up. Lying there worrying will not help at all. Get dressed and take it from there.


Japanese Proverb:
Fall seven times; stand up eight.

25-02-05, 16:14
Hi again Heeby

I totally agree with Blue that having the radio on or a favourite CD always makes me feel better especially some upbeat music or I even have classic fm on to make me feel a bit more chilled out (sad I know but it does help!!) It always helps for me to have a distraction. Just lately I have been logging on to this website and I have music on in the background and it has helped me feel alot more positive first thing in a morning although it has helped because both my kids have been off school with chickenpox and I haven't had the stress of getting them ready for school in a morning but that will change again come Monday!!

Try anything that will keep your mind distracted from the panic feelings.

take care
Love Lisaxx

27-02-05, 10:16
have you had your blood sugar tested?
I have really helped my panic attacks by working on my blood sugar issues. I used to have horrible panic upon waking ...I'd wake all night long in a panic actually...and it is gone now that I take a type 2 diabetic med.

I feel for you. It is a bad way to start the day!

You will get past this though! :D


28-02-05, 09:22
I've never been offered a test for blood sugar - I will ask my Dr.My Dad was diabetic in later life, so I know there's a history of it in the family. Thanks for advice:D

28-02-05, 09:31

Your blood sugar can be affected with anxiety as you are burning up so much nevous energy, it's not necessarily due to Diabetes.
Since I have had anxiety I alaways eat breakfast even if I don't feel like it,eat little and often is the way forward.
Hope you are feeling better

Take care

Elaine x

01-03-05, 12:52
Hi Heeby - I have had this symptom a lot lately, as most of my panic attacks were happening first thing in the morning for some time. What really freaked me out; however, was the one I had last week in the middle of the day. I had been giving myself a good talking to, but the culmination of shoving those feelings down resulted in my "middle of the day" attack. <sigh>