View Full Version : numbness in right side of face

19-12-07, 07:06
Hi again folks

Please can someone help before I drive myself round the bend.

Yesterday afternoon part of my bottom lip started to feel really numb. After a couple of hours, it had travelled to most of the right hand side of my face.

I went to the doctors and he was just about to check me out when he was called out to an emergency. His final words were it could be something to do with the neuralgia nerves??? He also gave me a prescription for steriods.

I came home - and tried not to worry about it - but I have just got up and it is starting all over again. I am really worried about it.

Should I go back to the doctors and speak to him properly?

19-12-07, 09:18
Hi Anne, I think you should go back, not that I think it's anything bad , but just to let him have a proper look.It could be something like bells palsy which isn't serious at all. keep us posted.:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

19-12-07, 09:22
hey hun,
uv seriously got NO need to worry at all!!!! i get this all the time but on my left side my dace n lips go numb n then ussualy my arm starts to hurt n i fear im having a stroke but its not.

what it is..is that bcoz u are so tense and uptight filled with anxiety all the nerves in your body start reacting..u might find u sometimes get pins and needles in ur hands or feet?? well that is also part of it.

Go to the doctors if ur worried that way u can put ur mind at ease but be reassured its nothing.

i spent one night hooked up to an ecg machine in hospital n multiple heart tests done n blood tests just to be told its anxiety...:yesyes:

try to ignore it and not dwel on the weird feeling it causes and it will just go away:)

good luck and take care

19-12-07, 09:50
Hi.This happened to me a few years ago.Mine started with a metalic taste in my mouth and then I lost my taste on one side of my tongue,after which my lip went numb and one side of my face.I panicked thought I had a stroke.

I saw the doctor and he diagnosed BELLS PALSY,which is to do with the nerves.I was lucky because my face didnt droop,but it was all numb for about two weeks.I was treated with steroids to.
I would see another gp and get a second opinion, or go back and see him.Some people get bells palsy worse than others.(IM NOT SAYING THATS WHAT YOU HAVE)

The feeling does return,its a virus.:hugs:

19-12-07, 10:03
Thanks guys.:hugs:

I have made an appointment - go in half an hour. The receptionist wasnt happy that I wanted another appointment. She made me feel really guilty.

I wouldnt have gone back - just that I am really panicking about it.

Will let you know how I get on - fingers crossed.

19-12-07, 12:32
Well, been back to doctors.

He thinks it is a viral infection affecting the nerves in my face. He also mentioned Bells Palsy - but said your face normally droops on one side, but it could be a slight form of that. He told me to take the steroids and if I get any worse - to go back and see him.

Feel slightly better now - just scared of taking steroids!!!:wacko:

19-12-07, 14:17
My doctor diagnosed me with bells palsy,and my face hadnt drooped at all.It felt like it had but wasnt noticeable to others.I couldnt drink or eat properly.The only way I can tell you what its like is when you have been to the dentist and had an injection on one side of your face,and its all numb and hard to drink.
The steriods are ok,you must start taking them.It will go away.Well done on going back,dont feel guilty about making another appointment he should diagnosed you the first time.:hugs:

19-12-07, 14:29
Thanks Ellen

Thats exactly how the numbness feels - like the injection is wearing off after the dentist. Part of my lip feels like it is double in size - but you cannot see any difference when you look in the mirror.

Does the numbness come and go? Mine was really bad this morning - but not as bad this afternoon:shrug:

19-12-07, 17:25
My numbness didnt come and go,it lasted two weeks.But everyone is different.When it got better it started to tingle just like when the aneasthetic does when it wears off from the dentist.I lost my taste on the numb side to.:hugs: