View Full Version : just a bit of a rant about anxiety - lol

19-12-07, 09:32
hey everyone:) ,
wel i guess im just writting this because im a bit bored rite now....but u know what, what we go thru is like the hardest thing ever....its so horrible ppl can sympathise but not to the full extent bcoz what is anxiety its something that lurks around us almost stalks us u cant see it..and alotho it doesnt seem like it we control it. When we think happy stuff were fine when we sit n dwell we feel like crap!

Bottom line its horrible n im just havin a bit of a rant but im sure u all catch my drift yeh?

try stay positive everyone....(even tho i struggle lol)
:) xxxx

19-12-07, 10:02
Hi Lawzy

I agree that other people dont understand, I dont think they could possibly really know what we go through on a daily basis. I've tried explaining to my b/f and he just looks at me really confused!!

When I am bored my mind wanders and I end up getting anxious over some of the most random things. Its definitely good to keep the mind occupied.

You go ahead and rant! Its good for the soul! :D

20-12-07, 04:11
I agree, what we go through is incredible. It'd be like a regular person getting attacked by bad guys/monsters constantly, or on some crazy life-threatening Indiana Jones adventure.

If you watch a scary movie and people on the run--that's what I feel like all day sometimes!

So pat yourself on the back for going through so much adventure and scaryiness and still being here and okay. :D